Pakistani Young Genius Passed Away
the world's youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
She in 2004 at the age of nine years became the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCPs) in the world, a title she kept until 2008. She was invited by Bill Gates to visit the Microsoft Headquarters in USA. S. Somasegar, the vice president of the Software Development Division, wrote about it in his blog.
Representation of Pakistan
Arfa Karim has also represented Pakistan on various international forums, she was invited by the IT Professionals of Dubai for a stay of two weeks in Dubai. A dinner reception was hosted for her there, which was attended by the diagnostics of Dubai including the Ambassador of Pakistan. During that trip, Arfa was presented with various medals and awards. She also flew a plane in a flying club in Dubai at the age of 10, and received the first flight certificate.
Final Journey
Arfa fell desperately ill last month and doctors say she has suffered brain damage, leaving her in a coma at the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Lahore. She was suffering from idiopathic epilepsy seizures which led to brain damage.
And with her many genius technological advancements are buried.!!作者: ozbird 时间: 16-1-2012 10:53
不是天妒英才,而是此才只应天上有。作者: 我爱猫眯 时间: 16-1-2012 11:39
brain damage 作者: ozbird 时间: 16-1-2012 12:18