维洲L 牌或绿P牌能带人吗?
如题,请问相关规定在哪?[ 本帖最后由 yan1125 于 28-12-2011 19:48 编辑 ] 摩托车?or 汽车? 汽车, 汽车,汽车 昆州的话,可以带人。随便你。但是晚上11点以后,红P只能带一个人,而且必须是亲属。。。速度限制方面也没有特殊化。
[ 本帖最后由 yrqin 于 28-12-2011 17:49 编辑 ] 新州,L牌最高时速80,红P90,绿P100。
至于L牌,我坐过L牌的车,当然,他旁边坐着教练。 州,州,州…………具体规定嘛,路局都有,另外,wa可以带人。 L只能必须带1个FullLicences,红P仅限1个成年人,绿P不限 原帖由 贾马 于 28-12-2011 19:27 发表 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
维州 好复杂哦,每个洲的规定还不一样哦!
那维洲的L只能坐一个拥有2年以上的full license的人咯。
回复 #9 yan1125 的帖子
L牌没有full license在边上坐着警察看到要罚你。 wa需要4年的F:yct_63 话说还是上官网最一目了然:yct_49 我怎么觉得nsw的L可以带人啊因为我看到有驾校练车的时候,教练让学生去开车接下一个学生
还是说和教练车和教练资质有关? NSW应该是可以
Learner drivers must:
Be supervised at all times by the holder of a full Australian driver licence.
Have L plates displayed conspicuously at the front and rear exterior of the car (or an L sign on the roof) when driving. The letter L on the plate must not be hidden.
Observe a maximum speed limit of 80 km/h.
Not tow any other vehicle.
Not exceed zero blood alcohol concentration ( this means you cannot drink before driving). It is also illegal to drive under the influence of drugs.
Not supervise another learner driver.
Only carry the number of passengers that can be properly seated in seats and restrained by approved seat belts or child restraints.
Only drive vehicles that have a seat belt fitted to the driver's position and you must wear the seat belt.
Not use any functions of a mobile phone including hands free devices. 原帖由 贾马 于 28-12-2011 16:27 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
A probationary (P1) driver is not allowed to carry more than one peer passenger when driving. The penalties for committing this offence will be three demerit points and a fine equal to three penalty units.
A peer passenger is any person aged between 16 years of age and less than 22 years. This means that you can carry more than one passenger under 16 years of age and over the age of 22. A peer passenger does not include the driver's spouse, domestic partner, sibling or step - sibling. Refer to the legal definition of each below.
新洲不管红P绿P只要驾驶员超过25岁对乘客都没限制。L牌除了full license坐边上以外也没其他乘客限制。
[ 本帖最后由 yang 于 28-12-2011 21:07 编辑 ] VICROAD网站里没找到有关L牌是否可以载其他人的规定 原帖由 守一 于 29-12-2011 17:08 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
是哦,那是不是说只要旁边坐着2年以上full license的人还可以带其他人啊? 原帖由 yan1125 于 30-12-2011 08:04 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
是哦,那是不是说只要旁边坐着2年以上full license的人还可以带其他人啊?
是否可以带其他人,我也想知道呢;P L牌咋不能带其他人了,我练车时候老婆坐后面,教练坐旁边。
考试后时候教练坐旁边,考官坐后面。 答案来了(偶教练的答案,也不知道是不是正确答案)。
他说L牌只要旁边有FULL LICENSE的人,可以带除了家庭成员的2个人。
P牌么就不需要旁边有FULL LICENSE的人,也可以带除了家庭成员的2个人。