今天一早就收到2封邮件,不知道这是不是中介的职位虚假广告?请有经验的筒子帮忙鉴别下而且很奇怪的是最后都是via Hotmail
Linda Marlow lindamarlow@caldwellgroup.org via hotmail.com
Job’s Vacantion: Operations Officer
Your info was found and selected from the juliaross.com.au.
In our company, the key asset is our people, who also highlight us from other enterprises. We are sure that in order to have success you need to have the right people hired.That is why we alwayslook for another experienced pair of hands. To select the right peoplewe base on our company's values, which helps to bring together like-minded people. We also pay attention to the skills and experience that are necessary for this job. We employ only those, who work and perform our services in the most convenient, professional and timely consulting way.
The basic job duty of this offer is to meet the expectations of the client. The client may find various problems, thus you have to manage and resolve the issuesraised by the customers.
The most important part of your duty is to look after customer satisfaction and help in payroll preparation and processing.
Caldwell is a values-driven organization focused on maximizing employees’ capabilities to enable them to reach their full potential. Wehighly estimate our team and ensure our clients that we fetch those only who positively contribute to our emerging system.
If you're interested – attach your resume in DOC or rich text format to: lindamarlow@caldwellgroup.org.
This position is limited.
Thank you for your time
Martin Thomberg martinthomberg@rogainemail.com via hotmail.co.nz
My name is Martin Thomberg and i am the representative of the ROGAINE, INC Company. Our company is hiring right now for a free vacancy. Your CV was found and selected from the Turbo Recruit AU.
We offer you a very well-paid vacancy with competitive salary, excellent benefits, and an opportunity for growth. To apply for the vacancy you need to live currently in Australia and New Zealand.
If you are interested in this vacancy, please write us at martinthomberg@rogainemail.com
including your name, date of birth, your home and cell phone number.
Have a bless day!
HR department, ROGAINE
[ 本帖最后由 johnnycao 于 29-11-2011 08:33 编辑 ] 我也收到这个邮件,我也有点怀疑啊 对了,你找的是什么职位啊,是IT类的吗?
回复 #3 dragonj 的帖子
是的 IT Desktop Support你呢?
如果想自己创业,没找到好项目,请联系我。 Business Analysis