在perth大家都在用哪家的电信,我的3mobile的两年到期了,最近在想去哪家签个两年的cap当然也要拿个手机。用了两年的3mobile,感觉信号还可以,收费也不赖(29的cap,不过有两三次不小心打超了100刀)。有人用vodafone吗?package看上去不错,不过很多人complain信号很烂,大家说说你用的电信公司的看法。 Optus has a $59 cap with $750 talking value and 2GB data, that looks not bad. Is there anyone using it now? THREE is better than vodafone but they are the same company now..........I hate XXX vodafone!!!! 信號最好的就是TELSTRA了,不過也是最貴-----
反正我上班的地方,哪一家都沒信號~~哈哈!! 原帖由 西澳瓶鼻海豚 于 13-10-2011 19:39 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Then how do you make communications everyday? 我目前用的是vodafone,觉得还好…… 原帖由 auditbreak 于 14-10-2011 01:47 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
还有,你有没有在free way上的车里打过电话(of coz for passengers or hands-free for driver)?信号如何? Vodafone 用户,45包月的。
在perth用,信号没问题。就是有时候不是很强。 Thanks to you guys on upstairs who shared the info.
am thinking to sign a vodafone plan, still a bit of hesitation... 我家用TPG TELSTRA我用的这个,包月39刀好像,但每个月打不到三个电话,浪费 我用Voadfone,正想换Telstra呢,连上次去Araluen Park都没信号。如果常出去玩很不方便。
回复 #12 青竹 的帖子
Is ur number I rang u up in Lancelin with Vodafone?If so, that still seems not so bad.
回复 #13 gpoint 的帖子
Yes, but Lancelin is a town which is not far from Perth. I have no signal most time when I went up North or down south of WA. Even no signal in my working building and not good in my house. That upsets me!回复 #14 青竹 的帖子
Oh, then i really have to re-consider to go with Vodafone or not.... Headache... 原帖由 gpoint 于 14-10-2011 16:36 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gifOh, then i really have to re-consider to go with Vodafone or not.... Headache...
You need consider the service, price and troubleshooting.
If 3 mobile is OK, you may not change it.
My mobile has been with Telstra for the last 12 years. They can be tricky. Considering Telstra is the biggest company in OZ. They cover most of the areas, thus their price is very expensive. Their service is not very good but at least you can phone/go to any branch to complain. They can fix your problems soon. Not like other small companies, they may rent lines from Telstra but refuse to fix the problems if they think it will be Telstra's fault.
[ 本帖最后由 coach 于 17-10-2011 13:31 编辑 ] 我用17.99刀的 TGP mobile CAP,走OPTUS的网络,信号比V和3的要好一点(在市区感觉好一点,但在小镇就好不止一点了)。有550刀的credit,按我电话量,怎么都打不完,还包括每周打电话回国。这个cap最好的地方就是有1.5G的数据,手机不能上网肿么能叫手机呀。:yct_4
所以我也不打算签iphone4s了,直接去apple买解锁的机器,继续用这个cap,算起来不管花费和credit都比V,O和3的49刀 iphone4s plan要合算不少。
回复 #17 小名 的帖子
Can ur sim card run on 2G old phones?回复 #17 小名 的帖子
plan to sign up with TPG mobile next week... 我用的是Liveconnected.价格非常实惠,cap还include1300等电话。走Optus的线路,就是烦人我家里几乎没有信号。