本人刚拿到西澳CLASS C FULL DRIVER'S LICENSE,老婆刚来,有中国驾照和澳洲的L牌。有两个问题请教大家:
1)如果我陪老婆开车的话,西澳政府要求的“at least four years”,包括海外驾龄吗?我刚拿到西澳的FULL LICENSE,但是加上中国的驾龄的话就有四年了。不知道可不可以陪老婆开车。
Find someone to help you learn
When you are learning to drive, you must always be accompanied by a person who:
is authorised (licensed driver) to perform any driving of a kind for which the driving instruction is to be given and has held that authorisation for a period of, or periods adding up to:
in the case of riding a moped, at least two years in the case of instructing a person to ride a moped, at least 2 years.
Note: a person who holds a ‘R-N’ driving authority (driver’s licence) only issued at 16 years of age and has held that authority for a minimum of two years (i.e. still holds a provisional licence) is authorised to supervise a learner driver holding a ‘R-N’ class driving authority (learner’s permit); or
in any other case, at least four years.
Permanent visa holders If you hold a permanent visa, you can continue to drive on your overseas licence until you have resided in WA for three months.
比如说三个月以后照开,就说刚从悉尼过来,岂不是也行? 你都说是4年了还问什么啊
驾龄是从国内驾照开始算的,你换驾照时填的那个初次申领时间就是你国内驾照上面的时间 以前看大家的帖子,好像说是FULL牌就行,所以在想是不是理解错了?
但是“初次申领时间”在西澳的驾照上没有显示啊,如果警察查的话,怎么证明有四年以上驾龄呢?还要带上国内驾照和翻译件吗? 刚在别的帖子里看到海豚的一个相关回复,说是不算海外驾龄:L
看来老婆必须跟教练学了,要花不少钱啊:'( 。。。。有国内驾照就不应该报L牌啊,直接换牌考试多方便 那个L牌是在悉尼拿的,因为悉尼规定,自拿到签证初次登陆起可以用六个月,我们短登过,所以长登的时候在悉尼已经不能用了。 这个还真不清楚,我以为是只要full license就可以的。
保险的话最好发邮件问问license centre,他们应该有专人负责回复邮件的,他们的回答最权威。 原帖由 老鼠爱上猫 于 8-10-2011 02:49 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
这个还真不清楚,我以为是只要full license就可以的。
保险的话最好发邮件问问license centre,他们应该有专人负责回复邮件的,他们的回答最权威。
不是---只要是full license就可以的。具体的记不清楚了 那上面的“at least four years”应该怎么理解呢?