9.4 星期日 优美小镇和野花之旅
2个小时路程,不紧张 路边的野花不采白不采行程
9:00 出发
11:00 达到 NEW NORCIA WA GPS:Great Northern Hwy
New Norcia WA 6509 or 30° 58' 9.33" S116° 12' 57.37" E
1:00 向wubin rock出发 gps: wubin wa
如果有时间和喜欢拍照的可以4:00以后在返回,路上拍 落日下的野花
手台频率:477.075 或CH27 无亚音频
出门在外,看天吃饭, 请大家注意天气
new norcia
While the Town Tour is the best way to see what lies behind closed doors and hear the story of New Norcia; if organised tours aren’t for you or you have arrived outside of tour hours, there is still plenty to see and do in New Norcia.
Here are some of our favourite things in New Norcia:
* Lose yourself for an hour in the Art Gallery where European religious art in the grand style, hangs alongside contemporary Australian religious art, open 9am - 4.30pm daily, closed Christmas Day.
* Experience a 1500 year-old tradition and join our monks in their private chapel to pray the Divine Office (six times daily).
* Visit the Abbey Church, which houses one of only two large Moser organs crafted in Germany and imported to Australia in the 1920s. The church walls display a rare form of art called “sgraffito” alongside more conventional and familiar religious icons and paintings.The Abbey Church also contains the tomb of Rosendo Salvado, the founder of New Norcia.
* Stroll up the hill to the grand New Norcia Hotel and linger over a glass of Abbey Wine or Australia’s premier Abbey Ale, exclusively on tap at New Norcia. Have a look around the Hotel and the beautiful architecture inside.
* Browse the delightfully eclectic range of products in the Museum Gift Shop. The Gift Shop offers a delightful range of locally sourced produce including our renowned New Norcia bread and an assortment of home-made preserves and honey. The Gift Shop also features an assortment of religious items and souvenirs, natural cosmetics, toiletries, wool products, art, books and music.
* Stroll to the Education Centre and marvel at the beautiful Aboriginal artwork and river mural.
* Explore the Mission Cottage and imagine what life would have been like in the early days of New Norcia.
* Go for a walk along the New Norcia Heritage Riverwalk. The trail traces the development of early settlement and starts at the New Norcia Museum & Art Gallery. It is 2km long (with an optional 1.7km long River Walk) and is suitable for all walkers.
* Or do nothing except soak up the peace of it all. Pax!
[ 本帖最后由 NEWGAY 于 3-9-2011 15:40 编辑 ] 晕,这么远啊,肯定去不了了,你们一定玩好啊
不过9.3周六电工建议BBQ还杀人,你来不 Pink Everlastings
29° 47' 58.73" S116° 27' 10.37" E
Everlastings on a rise
29° 42' 20.87" S116° 24' 47.69" E
wildflowers east of Canamah WA
29° 35' 46.58" S115° 54' 32.82" E 原帖由 y12345678 于 31-8-2011 22:25 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
有远有近,这些都是选择,下边还有 :good :good :good :good :good :good 路线2
[ 本帖最后由 NEWGAY 于 1-9-2011 04:35 编辑 ] 两条路线都有点远啊,俺是去不了了,祝各位玩的开心! 也想去看野花,不过真有点远,特别是还要带个小朋友。 近的只有kings park了:L 400km不算远了 开车4个小时差不多
如果早上8:00 出发 12:00就能到达目的地,中间休息,玩4个小时
如果觉得太晚,可以提前一个小时回来:lol 原帖由 NEWGAY 于 1-9-2011 00:41 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
400km不算远了 开车4个小时差不多
如果早上8:00 出发 12:00就能到达目的地,中间休息,玩4个小时
一天跑个8小时,太累了点呀.你这个时间还没算停车休息和吃饭的时间.不知道大家是否愿意野营一晚?睡车内或caravan park租个多房间的房子?
回复 #11 小名 的帖子
连续开车对于有些不是太常外出的朋友是个安全隐患. 另,建议周六出发.即使是一天来回,周一上班也不用太累...我们上周抓螃蟹,10点到家.周一整天眼皮打架呀.下午上班的时候真想倒头就睡.:$ 周一晚上我回家没吃饭就睡觉了~~~~~[ 本帖最后由 小名 于 1-9-2011 02:24 编辑 ]
回复 #11 小名 的帖子
可以少去几个地方,去掉E点就只剩332km,3个小时车程,应该差不多了吧。太近的话,我担心不好看啊 可以拼车,分摊邮费,开车也不累。 如果这样,哪位把我儿子拼上,油费吃喝门票我都拼 一年之季在于春,Perth有野花之都的美誊,多少人为了美景而千万里的追寻。
我报名参加。 不至于去那么远看个野花吧。
New Norcia - York一带就很好啊,100多km而已。。。 这条线路供参考,全程Perth到Paynes Find,430公里, 4.5小时
如果累的话,可以只到new norcia,离perth仅140公里,本身也是澳洲唯一修道院小镇,西班牙风格:)
其实只要出了upper swan,就一路都是风景了,多半是走走停停的看,不是从A点到B点那种赶路式的,不用太担心;P
The drive from Perth to Paynes Find - about four and a half hours north east - takes you through a landscape of dynamic colour.
From Perth, head to Guildford in the Swan Valley before setting off along the Great Northern Highway to New Norcia - Australia's only monastic town. Take time to explore the stylish Spanish architecture, including the Benedictine Monastery that dates back to 1846.
Should a tour of the monastery work up an appetite - no problem because the monks' mouthwatering baked goods and olive oil are available for purchase. Be sure to sample the delectable nut cake, crusty bread and wood-fired almond biscotti.
From here, continue another hour and 15 minutes inland to Dalwallinu. Affectionately known as the "Gateway to the World of Wattles (Acacias)", this is the first town on the Wildflower Way, which stretches north to Mullewa.
The area within a 100 kilometre radius of the town is home to the greatest density and most diverse range of acacia species in the world. Visit in September for Dalwallinu's annual wattle week festival, where you'll be treated to a street parade and rural market day.
And while you're here, be sure to save time for a picnic lunch among wildflowers and native fauna at Petrudor Rocks.
Travel another hour and a half along the Great Northern Highway to Paynes Find and look out for wreath flowers (Leschenaultia macrantha) - circular wreath-like shrubs with thousands of red to pink and yellow to white flowers. So exquisite is this plant, that it looks like a man-made arrangement placed carefully on the ground.
Paynes Find provides an authentic taste of Western Australia's outback and gold mining history. Visit the old tavern, which boasts a cellar hand-hewn from solid rock and once used as a cool store. Many locals believe it was also once used as a mortuary, and love to tell ghost stories.
Spend the night in the historic roadhouse, with its original pressed tin walls and ceilings, which date back to 1912. 开三四百公里还可以,我想去可是没时间。野花还是很好看的,我上个月去北边的时候,野花已经是大片大片的了,上周Albany那边的野花也开了,还有幸在油菜花地看到双彩虹! 羡慕中,现在去不了呀 new norcia
While the Town Tour is the best way to see what lies behind closed doors and hear the story of New Norcia; if organised tours aren’t for you or you have arrived outside of tour hours, there is still plenty to see and do in New Norcia.
Here are some of our favourite things in New Norcia:
* Lose yourself for an hour in the Art Gallery where European religious art in the grand style, hangs alongside contemporary Australian religious art, open 9am - 4.30pm daily, closed Christmas Day.
* Experience a 1500 year-old tradition and join our monks in their private chapel to pray the Divine Office (six times daily).
* Visit the Abbey Church, which houses one of only two large Moser organs crafted in Germany and imported to Australia in the 1920s. The church walls display a rare form of art called “sgraffito” alongside more conventional and familiar religious icons and paintings.The Abbey Church also contains the tomb of Rosendo Salvado, the founder of New Norcia.
* Stroll up the hill to the grand New Norcia Hotel and linger over a glass of Abbey Wine or Australia’s premier Abbey Ale, exclusively on tap at New Norcia. Have a look around the Hotel and the beautiful architecture inside.
* Browse the delightfully eclectic range of products in the Museum Gift Shop. The Gift Shop offers a delightful range of locally sourced produce including our renowned New Norcia bread and an assortment of home-made preserves and honey. The Gift Shop also features an assortment of religious items and souvenirs, natural cosmetics, toiletries, wool products, art, books and music.
* Stroll to the Education Centre and marvel at the beautiful Aboriginal artwork and river mural.
* Explore the Mission Cottage and imagine what life would have been like in the early days of New Norcia.
* Go for a walk along the New Norcia Heritage Riverwalk. The trail traces the development of early settlement and starts at the New Norcia Museum & Art Gallery. It is 2km long (with an optional 1.7km long River Walk) and is suitable for all walkers.
* Or do nothing except soak up the peace of it all. Pax!
[ 本帖最后由 NEWGAY 于 1-9-2011 18:28 编辑 ] 如果做小镇一日游的话,应该是很轻松的一天 好美啊:loveliness: 一天来回确实紧张,没时间照相呀;P 这个帖子比较高尚,楼主和其他参与者都很有品位的
那个BBQ的帖子就知道吃吃喝喝,太逊了 有newgay在, 生活丰富多彩:lol
等年底我也参加你们的聚会 眼看就要周末啦,最后方案定好没啊?报名的人不多哦。。。反正我想去:lol 如果是一天的方案,我觉得去那个小镇挺好的.
如果是两天的方案,LP推荐Badgingarra, Alexander Morrison, Yanchep.我在googlemap上规划是700km左右来回(它规划多了一段路程).晚上可以在leeman这个小镇过夜.晚上可以钓鱼,抓鱿鱼,篝火等.这个镇的鱿鱼可多了...:lol
http://maps.google.com.au/maps?saddr=Perth+WA&daddr=-31.53008,115.68682+to:-30.0652981,115.548944+to:-29.93989,114.98358+to:Mill+Point+Rd&hl=en&ll=-30.685164,115.872803&spn=4.949791,9.876709&sll=-31.527044,115.974426&sspn=1.226758,2.469177&geocode=FaJyGP4dyd3nBimtu9mea5QyKjHgVd81tfAEBA%3BFaDjHv4dpD3lBilzVsBbxljNKzGgJsEltfAEEw%3BFW49Nf4dECPjBinb6ufgct7RKzFBwZ4UOPYAEw%3BFU4nN_4dnILaBimjBr5m76vRKzGxWqcUOPYAEw%3BFQYWGP4dkNbnBg&vpsrc=6&mra=dme&mrsp=4&sz=9&via=1,2,3&z=7 大家都不愿意去远地,有人周六还有事情。
那不如去new norcia小镇啦,反正一路上也有野花看
11:00 达到
如果有时间和喜欢拍照的可以4:00以后在返回,路上拍 落日下的野花
[ 本帖最后由 NEWGAY 于 1-9-2011 22:31 编辑 ]