deep sewered green titled block什么意思???
帮457朋友看房子时,看到的。我也不会翻译。具体怎么个讲究? 顶。。。。。。。。。。。
是公共管网什么的吗?谁知道,是不好的,还是好的??? green tiled block就是指一个独立地块,deep sewered就是下水管比较深,算是好的吧:) 供参考 卖房的肯定是把好的卖点写在广告上的啊。 我不是这样理解的,这应该是个告知。
我的理解是这里(block)有深埋管沟经过(而且估计是比较大的),为了施工维修方便,所以要保持为绿地,上面不能盖房子。 记得以前看买房贴有提醒要查查有没有大的管道经过房屋所在地块的。当然有这种情况的房子应该会便宜些。 原帖由 urban2000 于 21-8-2011 14:27 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
What is a green title block?
I.The ownership of property, or the document showing evidence of ownership of a property. In Western Australia the most common form of title in the residential property market is the green title. A green title is the common name given to the traditional block of land, which is not affected by owners of adjoining properties.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_green_title_block#ixzz1Vdl9n1c9
Green Title refers to the type of title that is registered with the Dept of Land Admin. There are a few different types of property available, with the main being Green, Strata, and Purple...purple not so common now.
Green title simply implies that the owner of the land has full ownership of the property and any improvements without "sharing" with anyone...i.e no common land, and no extra expenses.
When we are talking about investing, it doesn't really matter whether the property is Green Titled or not, the land component of either will increase in value over time..however Green Title is a prefered title and will therefore increase in value generally faster than a strata block.
相对而言,deep sewered更容易理解,就是下面有埋着的下水管道(排污管、雨水管)。 deep sewered 就是说下面有 easement 啦 原帖由 毛桩桩 于 21-8-2011 15:58 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
ps,桩桩同学开始恨嫁了?这么优质的资源居然处于空窗期,没天理啊。。。。 还是没看太懂,有人能像chivas同学一样作个科普吗? ................两种说法。。。一种好的,一种不好的。。。
还是没看懂。。。 独立地块,各种管道深埋,是好事情啦
如果不是deep sewered,那么就是管道走得浅,如果可以分地建房的话,就会很麻烦~~~
至于有没有easement,在合同里会另作说明的:) 在哪份文件可以见到地是属于什么block呢?
回复 #14 二月森林 的帖子