发现首套房的印花税优惠没有取消呀,50万以下优惠1万5。。。。只是算的方式和以前不太一样,是我理解错了么。。。 你说的对,呵呵,是我理解错了,之前律师告诉我错了,后来我研究了下,是2手房的印花税增加了接近一倍,但是首次购2手房的补助(50万以下)也增加了相应的数额所以还是免费,但是50万以上的房子的印花税就多了很多 新政策的Winners and losersFirst home buyers purchasing a new home
- No mortgage duty or stamp duty for properties under $500,000;
- $10,000 Queensland Building Boost for newly constructed properties valued up to $600,000;
- $7000 First Home Owner Grant (existing).
First home buyers purchasing existing home
- No mortgage duty or stamp duty for properties under $500,000;
- $7000 First Home Owner Grant
Existing home owners buying a new home
- Stamp duty increase of up to $7175;
- $10,000 Queensland Building Boost for newly constructed properties valued up to $600,000.
Existing home owners buying existing home
- Stamp duty increase of up to $7175 for properties.