中国人 发表于 11-4-2011 22:30:48


去了趟日本,觉得日本的褥垫很好。 就是扑在榻榻米上睡觉的那种(不是榻榻米)。我不喜欢睡西方的mattress,觉得太软。喜欢睡硬板床。可褥子铺少了,太硬;铺多了,又容易起苞,不平。可日本的褥垫厚薄合适,还很平。很想买一个。不知道哪位高人知道在澳州什么地方可以买到?我想买一个大小可以铺在Queen size bed上的。先谢谢!

poplarbird_oz 发表于 11-4-2011 23:08:41

there is one in newtown...calledFantasy futon.

中国人 发表于 12-4-2011 14:29:54

回复 #2 poplarbird_oz 的帖子

is that in Syd., right? i am in Bris. thanks anyway!

lobsters 发表于 12-4-2011 14:33:06

你去ebay买吧, 搜 futon

mingmingzhang 发表于 12-4-2011 14:35:05


nicoleflopy 发表于 12-4-2011 14:58:08


poplarbird_oz 发表于 12-4-2011 15:21:33

Yep it is in Sydney.
I got my bed and futon there. IMHO, u will need to go try sleep on them . Some are softer some are harder. Mine is got one side for summer and the other side for winter. And it is much much nicer that any other matresses.

中国人 发表于 12-4-2011 15:59:28



小河 发表于 12-4-2011 16:06:24


中国人 发表于 12-4-2011 16:10:35

回复 #7 poplarbird_oz 的帖子


能告诉我futon的大概的价格吗?我一点概念都没有。我喜欢硬的。也想找一个one side for summer and the other side for winter的。能将你的futon具体情况(如型号,价格等)告诉我吗?听你的介绍我很想试一试。


[ 本帖最后由 中国人 于 12-4-2011 15:50 编辑 ]

poplarbird_oz 发表于 12-4-2011 16:50:43

I believed there is enough information on the website above. Mine is wool on one side and cotton on the other side.. with foam in between since I like it softer.

It is sold everywhere, i don't think you need to get one from is quite heavy and huge...

[ 本帖最后由 poplarbird_oz 于 12-4-2011 15:59 编辑 ]

中国人 发表于 12-4-2011 17:18:04

回复 #11 poplarbird_oz 的帖子

Great! Thank you very much. I will contact the shop to ask more information. I really appreciate your helps.

nicoleflopy 发表于 12-4-2011 18:21:03

回复 #12 中国人 的帖子


中国人 发表于 12-4-2011 18:42:48

Today I learnt the Japanese mattress called Futon. Since I knew Futon, I talked to my Aussie colleagues. They told me they are everywhere! So, it looks like I do not need to buy one from Sydney! Thanks everyone for your kind helps.

bixia 发表于 12-4-2011 22:45:30


bixia 发表于 12-4-2011 22:47:15

Exit 23
3539-3565 Pacific Highway
Slacks Creek QLD 4127
(07) 3380 6800
Opening hours
Mon - Wed: 9:30 am to 7 pm
Thurs - Friday: 9:30am to 9 pm
Sat - Sun: 9 am to 5 pm
Restaurant opening hours
Mon - Wed: 9 am to 6:30 pm
Thurs - Fri: 9 am to 8:30 pm
Sat - Sun: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Public holiday opening hours
April 22 Good Fri: CLOSED
April 23 Easter Sat: 9 am to 6 pm
April 24 Easter Sun: CLOSED
April 25 Easter Mon and ANZAC Day: CLOSED
April 26 Easter Mon Public Holiday: 9 am to 6 pm

中国人 发表于 13-4-2011 18:40:55

回复 #16 bixia 的帖子

thank you very much!

中国人 发表于 16-5-2011 17:05:23



我在悉尼去了Fantasy futon,看了一下,觉得是我想要的,7.5cm厚的要Au$300。但有两点:一是太大,带不上飞机。二是futon要经常aerated,比较麻烦。然后,我去了homebush Ikea,找到了mattress pad (他们没有futom)。这东西和futom相似,只是里面包的有的是foam有的是人造棉加羊毛。比较结果选择了厚度为7cm,内填充为人造棉加羊毛的mattress pad。觉得它不用经常aerated。内填充为人造棉加羊毛,也不大可能起苞。回到Brisbane 后,就去了Logan Ikea(开车一个多小时),买回了mattress pad。花了我Au$400,想想也不便宜。就是一个大褥子,估计在国内人民币400-500就可能搞定。再想想,在什么山,唱什么歌,在这就得这个价。好在用起来觉得挺舒服,这比什么都重要。

nicoleflopy 发表于 16-5-2011 17:43:13

回复 #18 中国人 的帖子

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