请问,如果我要找个地点住下来,条件如下:1. 靠近科廷大学。
2. 附近有小学和中学。
3. 购物方便。
4. 交通方便
感谢! 不知道,帮顶 不知道,帮顶 Shelley:
Shelley Primary School
170 to Rossmoyne Senior High
98/99 to Curtin University
Shopping Center Shelley hub & Riverton Shopping center
Riverton Primary school/Shelley Primary School
179 to Rossmoyne Senior High
98/99 to Curtin University
Riverton Shopping center (very close to) curtin周边。。。还是住远点儿吧,反正有小学中学的地方很多,开车也很方便 manning这个suburb不错,离curtin近,离city近,离河边近,交通很方便,有火车站。中学小学都有。或者是wilson也可以。 原帖由 Chivas0909 于 16-1-2011 15:36 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
curtin附近像bentley,wilson,st james,queens park,vic park...还是不要住了 ,人口流动性大,会比较乱
同感。。。同意。。。经典。。。 curtin附近像bentley,wilson,st james,queens park,vic park...还是不要住了 ,人口流动性大,会比较乱
回复 #3 cynthiawu 的帖子
谢谢cynthiawu的鼎力支持! 原帖由 008 于 16-1-2011 09:40 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gifShelley:
Shelley Primary School
170 to Rossmoyne Senior High
98/99 to Curtin University
Shopping Center Shelley hub & Riverton Shopping center
Riverton Primary school/Shelley Primar ...
Thanks a lot. But I not really understand what's the number means? What it means by 170 and 98/99? 原帖由 gracengcheo 于 16-1-2011 23:30 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Thanks a lot. But I not really understand what's the number means? What it means by 170 and 98/99?
bus 原帖由 gracengcheo 于 16-1-2011 23:30 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Thanks a lot. But I not really understand what's the number means? What it means by 170 and 98/99?
As other friends' advise, it is better to live Shelley, Riverton or Willetton.
For Rent: Shelley > Riverton > Willetton.
For Primary: Shelley >= Riverton = Willetton
For Senior High: Rossmoyne > Willetton
For Shopping Center: Riverton (Riverton Shopping center, Woolworth, Big W, IGA, Chen XIONG DI....)=Willetton (Southland Shopping center Coles, Woolworth .....) > Shelley (Shelley hub IGA)
It is better to live close to the Primary, Shopping Center and bus station (within 200 meters if possible) if you can not drive and/or you don't want buy a car.
[ 本帖最后由 008 于 17-1-2011 09:07 编辑 ] There are some houses close to school, bus and shopping center.
[ 本帖最后由 008 于 17-1-2011 09:12 编辑 ] :D Go to Cannington.....all fits your requirement.....
回复 #15 游兵 的帖子
Not bad. Thanks.回复 #13 008 的帖子
Thanks. Como, Manning, South Perth 离 Curtin 都很近, Penrohs 和 Wesley College 都很给力。交通去city,freeway都近。购物的话,curtin 边上就有coles, 去victoria park 也有shopping. 平时买菜,就到iga可以了。:loveliness: