二月份就要到perth常住了,儿子(在国内上5年级)要过来上小学,一般学校对男孩穿的鞋有什么要求吗?书包是统一的吗?应该提前准备哪些学习用具呢?先谢谢啦 Mostly likely, you son has to go to ESL first, ther is a bus to pick up and drop your son for free. the school will start on the 1stor 2ndFeb 2011.Teacher will give your son a list of 学习用具, you can buy those at Big W, which is cheaper.
鞋MEI有要求, YUN DONG XIE? 谢谢008,我们是2月下旬才到,看来是赶不上开学了。是不是必须有确定住址才可以申请入学? 校服,学习文具都买学校的,不需要自己带过来。 不用太多擔心這些問題,小學應該沒校服(至少我女兒學校沒有)鞋子也沒規定,文具到是可以帶一些自己喜歡的在家裡用
Intensive English Centres – Primary
Beaconsfield Primary School
5 Hale Street, Beaconsfield 6162
Phone: 9335 5806 Fax: 9336 4994
Eddystone Primary
Littorina Avenue Heathridge 6027
Phone: 9307 2354 Fax: 9307 5550
Highgate Primary School
147 Lincoln Street, Highgate 6003
Phone: 9328 3725 Fax: 9227 5939
Koondoola Primary School
50 Burbridge Avenue, Koondoola 6064
Phone: 9343 4617 Fax: 9343 4619
Mirrabooka Primary School
Laythorne Street, Dianella 6059
Phone: 9440 7777 Fax: 9440 7788
Nollamara Primary School
101 Harrison Street, Nollamara 6061
Phone: 9349 1266 Fax: 9400 1047
North Mandurah Primary School
Park Road, Mandurah 6210
Phone: 9535 5800 Fax: 9581 3929
Parkwood Primary School
Zelkova Way, Parkwood 6147
Phone: 9354 3014 Fax: 9354 4790
Thornlie Primary School
86 Thornlie Avenue,Thornlie 6108
Phone: 9459 4333 Fax: 9459 0702