回复 #1 half 的帖子
这个好像没得讲价,奥巴马都说没有其它更好的办法了,要不就别去美帝的地盘了吧;P ;P :lol :lol 直接跟安检人员说:"God..., you make me feel soooo good, keep doing it, faster..........."他就很快会松手,估计也不会敢碰你了。:lol 如果“下面”指私处,就说“please don't touch my private places."
如果泛指下半身,就说“please don't touch lower part of my body." 但好像..... Don't touch my junk! 直接说,don't touch my ball! 不要碰我,下面(条)!
Don'ttouch me ,Iam making noodles ! 发现下面有个硬硬的东西,怀疑是枪:lol
Don't Touch My Junk....
u3lbnSLalWQ:congra D't t my dick,haha 直接问,hmmm...;Pare you there yet? "don't touch me there”这是当事人的话 dont u dare to turn me on! :xmas 原帖由 dark008 于 23-11-2010 18:52 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
直接跟安检人员说:"God..., you make me feel soooo good, keep doing it, faster..........."
谢! 原话是don't touch my junk 。注意这哥们也是俗人。 用的的俚语。