如题,在Hornsby Uniting Church Worship & Activity Centre由Hornsby和 Waitara Community 共同主办的免费3P亲子正面教育课程,可以帮你解答一些日常教育孩子方面的疑问和难题,帮助你成为最好的家长,教育出自信和善于和别人相处的孩子.有感兴趣的家长可以电话报名预约(请联系Elisabeth or Jan on 9476 0146).Triple P Seminars
Provided by
Hornsby Waitara Community Hub
Are you looking for practical answers to everyday parenting concerns?
Are you finding parenting both rewarding and challenging?
Are you looking for a Parenting Program which will assist you be the best parent you can be?
Do you wish to raise your children to be well-adjusted, confident, resilient and succeed in their relationships with others?
Come and participate in our Triple P Seminars!
Bilingual practitioners will be available to assist you through the seminars.
Relevant tip sheets will be provided in English & Chinese
Costs: Free
Dates: 7th, 14th & 28th September, Tuesdays
Time: 7pm-9pm
Address: Hornsby Uniting Church Worship & Activity Centre, 24 William St, Hornsby
To register:Please contact Elisabeth or Jan on 9476 0146 另外在9月21号还有个活动,刚才忘了一起贴上去了,大家看看吧!
Tuesday 21 September, 2pm-5pm
Uniting Church, 24 William Street, Hornsby
(Corner of Frederick and William Streets)
• Do you want information about child safety,
health and wellbeing?
• Do you feel challenged combining work
and family?
• Come and find out about the local services available to help you and your family
Tuesday 21 September, 2pm-5pm
Uniting Church, 24 William Street, Hornsby
(Corner of Frederick and William Streets)
Free children’s entertainment including face painting, balloon making and much more.
Light refreshments and lucky door prizes!
Pick up information about: family support, education, health and family relations.
Organised by Hornsby Shire Council and Hornsby/Waitara
For more information, please call Council’s Community Development Officer Jian Zhao on 9847 6994 or Hornsby Hub’s Project Coordinator Elisabeth Moody on 9476 0146. 好象没什么家长对这个感兴趣.我听过这个教程感觉挺有帮助的,看来是空热心一场了.呵呵!