Ongoing Events
Weekday Nights/Weekend Tennis - Ongoing活动地点:
Brisbane Boy's College 网球场 (最近火车站Toowong站)
开车到Moggill Rd,可以在college 里面免费停车。
具体活动情况可电话询问: 0488 271 276 Hui Jiang,没有接听的话,请等待回电或发短信。
[ 本帖最后由 blueberries 于 3-9-2010 13:13 编辑 ] just give this thread a final push
seems like everyone has got sth else on tonight already :lol 能翻译成中文吗?
人懒了,都只喜欢看中文! ft
it isa reaaaly late notice...... 原帖由 老顽童 于 9-4-2010 16:26 发表
thanks for giving me points but the answer is: N-O
not that i dont want to but it's a hardware issue sth that i cant do anything about it :Q
but serious ... even if i can, my writing chinese might be a bit odd to you unless you could understand cantonese ^^"
so i'm sorry and please bear with my english! oh hang on ... maybe i can ask for translation in the english broad first before posting next time! sounds good, eh? ;P 原帖由 youmin 于 10-4-2010 03:28 发表
it isa reaaaly late notice......
i DID say sorry at the very beginning so please forgive me ... doesn't mean i'd change though! LOL
anyway i'm sure there's always next gathering~~~ :)
look like nizi is ready to organise one ... gotta support her! haha 想知道有人去了么?
俺还挺想参加的,不知道能否挪到syd来 原帖由 寻羊冒险记8382 于 1-5-2010 01:24 发表
4 ppl (including myself) turned up in the end, of which three were confirmed before posting so only one extra came along ^^
not many, indeed but with less people, we could get to know each other better on a deeper level and shared personal things that you wouldn't have any chance to do so if it's a big gathering .. so i suppose it wasn't too bad :)
i wish i could see your reply earlier and date you out >.< coz i've been working in your state for the past few weeks (and will be flying home this friday) so ... next time maybe and to be honest, it shouldn't be any problem for you guys in syd (where freeozers are in abundance!) to organize sth similar :P
[ 本帖最后由 blueberries 于 3-5-2010 15:34 编辑 ] 哈~ 我们在悉尼都是 人多 酒杂 喝倒
不如你们的情调调呀 我倒是想你们悉尼的人多酒杂呢,可惜,布里斯本是野路子。没有那些个条件。只有自己创造条件上了。 我们倒是有这个美丽的小海湾,令人神往:
where: australia's most eastern point, byron bay 上作业,上PP 原帖由 寻羊冒险记8382 于 3-5-2010 21:07 发表
哈~ 我们在悉尼都是 人多 酒杂 喝倒
LOL i prefer to get drunk then ... it's a lot more fun esp when you see people doing or saying some funny things that they dont even know haha 原帖由 nizi 于 4-5-2010 11:53 发表
you just made me google it but to no avail ... still couldn't find the meaning haha
but i wish brisbane people could be a little bit wilder :$ 原帖由 nizi 于 4-5-2010 11:54 发表
where: australia's most eastern point, byron bay
haha ... a bit exaggerating
not the best i've seen but still a good place to go once in a while
so you go with me? 原帖由 nizi 于 4-5-2010 11:54 发表
i'm sorry and people are camera shy ... no ... they are just shy so no piccy
but promise ... will post one or two after this dawn trip if it ever happens :lol details updated
please advise if interested
ta ~~~ 好几天没来,blueberries 很活跃嘛,看日出应该很累吧,关键就是起太早,熬通宵更累了。
有多少人报名了啊? 刚订了dslr,还没到呢
:( :( :( 原帖由 lbrother 于 12-5-2010 21:59 发表
好几天没来,blueberries 很活跃嘛,看日出应该很累吧,关键就是起太早,熬通宵更累了。
been scuba diving so long ... good to float on the surface of water and breathe once in a while i suppose haha
obviously you didn't pay much attention to the details above or else you would've known 3 confirmed coming, of which one from GC
but ya i agreed with what you said esp it has began winter now and we all want to stay in bed longer in the morning, dont we?
so i dont have high expectations in regards to the number of participants
if i have someone to keep me company, it's my honour and a bonus! if no, it's too okay
at the end of the day, it's just my adrenaline rush pumped up all of a sudden and i just can't help myself but am determined to DO it regardless 原帖由 youmin 于 13-5-2010 01:56 发表
:( :( :(
you have a consuming passion for photography and become a fan of DSLR too
anyways, there's always next time ~~~ consuming passion?
i don t really know what that means....
but i do love photoshop and fancy it,
ps. cant wait 2 c my new nikon
回复 #14 blueberries 的帖子
自由自在的意思,随意的,没有那么多规矩的 其实这个计划真不错,可惜我要看房子,可能无法参加,看具体的情况再定,我喜欢那个海滩,特别喜欢。 原帖由 youmin 于 13-5-2010 23:59 发表 passion?
i don t really know what that means....
but i do love photoshop and fancy it,
ps. cant wait 2 c my new nikon
nikon is good for the entry level and yours is D3000 if i might ask?
now photoshop .... *tapping my fingers on the keyboard*
it's really something, innit?
as if by magic, it can turn any Ugly Betty/John into a million-dollar Miss/Mr Universe ;P
but seriously the less the better
i hope you just fancy it, but not abuse it for surreal effects
too much of it, photos would lose its originality
2 cents anyway ~~~
btw here's the link for the meaning that may be of interest to you!
i'm no expert nor we are in the english course but speaking of this, lemme try to translate it into my own language
sure you understand the word "consume" and now if you go figure, photography is not something that you can learn overnight and it "consumes" time, money and effort ... one must love it sooooooooooo much and that are crazy enough to devote themselves to it completely
put all these together and you should be able to guess/grasp the meaning haha
i say too much again and hope i make sense 原帖由 nizi 于 14-5-2010 09:56 发表
thx heaps, nizi *muah*
learn sth new every day ~~~
but be honest, i initially thought it means sth negative and obviously i guessed it wrong ... it seems to be a positive term
[ 本帖最后由 blueberries 于 14-5-2010 13:47 编辑 ] 原帖由 nizi 于 14-5-2010 09:59 发表
that's okay ... no big deal and good luck with your home search!
but if you do change your mind or plan that can fit this event into your schedule, well you've my mobile and just gimme a buzz then we can meet up somewhere :loveliness: 原帖由 blueberries 于 14-5-2010 13:39 发表
nikon is good for the entry level and yours is D3000 if i might ask?
now photoshop .... *tapping my fingers on the keyboard*
it's really something, innit?
as if by magic, it can turn any Ug ...
It s nikon d90 I ordered,was highly recommended by lots of people into DSLR,
looking forward 2 it
jst the dame shipping still on the way,
cant wait
photoshop,i rekon it s much more than making someone's pic pretty,
it can be a art, creat a whole new world one could not even imaging of
coulnt love it more
thanks 4 u explaination of "consuming passion"
i thought it is the word created by cooking TV programm
:L :L :L 原帖由 youmin 于 14-5-2010 20:04 发表
It s nikon d90 I ordered,was highly recommended by lots of people into DSLR,
looking forward 2 it
jst the dame shipping still on the way,
cant wait
photoshop,i rekon it s much more than ma ...
has your new toy arrived yet? :lol calling for tennis players (experienced or not) in brisbane
please refer to post #1