ghrong 发表于 17-3-2010 03:46:17

跟我一起学 澳洲新闻里的英语单词

我前段时间开过一个背单词帖, 每天背一个单词(其实我自己不止每天一个, 只是每天贴一个而已:P ), 可是更新了一段时间后自己都感觉有点无聊. 太枯燥了, 而且对自己来说就是机械劳动, 把自己每天背的单词挑一个出来贴上来而已. 似乎没多大意义.

于是打算再开个帖子, 这次结合实际, 学习一下我平时看的澳洲新闻里面的英语单词. 主要目的是自己学习. 如果也有别人也能学到那么一点点或者感兴趣那就太好啦.

此贴不定期更新, 鉴于平时自己比较懒, 做事情没有长性, 可能会虎头蛇尾, 要是这个帖子无疾而终, 请不要怪我...:loveliness:

我以抓生词为重点. 新闻不贴全, 因为那样太长了, 会给一个连接, 有兴趣看全文的可以自己点过去看.

[ 本帖最后由 ghrong 于 17-3-2010 13:49 编辑 ]

ghrong 发表于 17-3-2010 03:49:33

Teen charged over wheelchair bashing
From: AAP March 11, 2010 6:06am

A SECOND Sydney teenager has been charged over the bashing of a disabled Canadian tourist.

Police say the 35-year-old male victim was attacked by two youths at Mount Druitt station in Sydney's west on Tuesday night while on his way home after seeing friends play in a band.

看到这个新闻, bashing什么意思呢? 很明显, 原型是bash.

If you bash someone or something, you hit them hard in a rough way.

原来是痛殴的意思阿..又多会了一次单词, oh yeah!:victory:

ghrong 发表于 17-3-2010 16:37:21

Pregnant mum Tammy Matten chases thief from her home

The Daily Telegraph March 17, 2010 3:11am

A HEAVILY pregnant woman dressed in only in her pyjamas ran screaming from her house, chasing a burglar she had just found lurking inside.

Beating her husband out the door, mother-of-two Tammy Matten hurtled down the street, keeping up her barefoot pursuit for more than 200m before the thief finally got away.


burglar这个词我不认识了, 但是联系上下文, 应该很容易猜到burglar应该也是盗贼的意思.
A burglar is a thief who breaks into houses and steals things.

ghrong 发表于 18-3-2010 15:23:13

Man not guilty of Irishman's brutal bashing

From: AAP March 16, 2010 3:51pm

A YOUNG Sydney man who admitted to the brutal bashing of Irishman David Keohane has been found not guilty of his attempted murder by a Sydney jury.

Mr Keohane, 29, was bloodied, bruised and left for dead in a deserted Coogee street after being attacked by the stranger in the early hours of August 9, 2008, the Downing Centre District Court was told.

Thomas Isaako, 21, of Bankstown, told police that after drinking at the Coogee Bay Hotel, a companion suggested they "roll" someone, which he said meant "bash someone and take their stuff".

Mr Keohane was picked because he was the only person the pair could see in the street, he said.



复习一下吧: bash又出现了, 我已经认识你了, 嘿嘿..

题外话, 看上面斜体字这段, 让人感到好笑而又同情的是, 这个倒霉蛋Keohane被痛殴(差点被打死), 只是因为他当时是在错误的时间和地点出现的唯一一个人. 比较可怕, 希望谁都不要碰到这种暴力倾向的醉鬼.

ghrong 发表于 18-3-2010 15:37:12

Rape suspect found dead in prison cell
From: AAP March 18, 2010 2:14pm

A 27-YEAR-OLD prisoner on remand for rape has been found dead in his cell at a Brisbane jail.

Staff found him in his cell at the Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre just before 11am (AEST) today.

Medical staff attended but he was declared dead at 11.20am.

The Department of Corrective Services said he had been on remand since October last year.

The area where the prisoner died has been locked down as the incident is investigated.

The death will be investigated by the coroner and chief inspector of prisons.



remand 而且用法是 on remand, 究竟是什么意思呢?

来看看解释: If a person who is accused of a crime is remanded in custody, or if they are on remand, they are kept in prison until their trial.

明白了, 是拘留的意思.
Somebody is remanded.
Or somebody is on remand.

[ 本帖最后由 ghrong 于 18-3-2010 12:40 编辑 ]

ghrong 发表于 22-3-2010 18:29:39

Woman kills boyfriend on Xmas Day, texts friend to see if he'd like to help eat body
From: AAP March 22, 2010 1:54pm

MOMENTS after she stabbed her boyfriend to death on Christmas Day, a NSW Central Coast woman sent a text message telling another man she was going to eat the body because "I think he tastes good".

In the NSW Supreme Court today, Tamie Melehan admitted to killing her boyfriend, but pleaded not guilty to murder by reason of mental illness.

David Vaughan, 30, suffered 16 stab wounds to his neck, six to his chest and four to his abdomen during the frenzied knife attack by his girlfriend of three months at her apartment on December 25, 2008.

An autopsy revealed his jugular veins had been slashed on both sides of his neck and he died from those "rapidly fatal" injuries.

More to see:

可怕的女杀手... :tk_19

abdomen 腹部
jugular 颈部, 颈动脉

ghrong 发表于 23-3-2010 19:58:48

Mum jailed over family drug syndicate
From: AAP March 23, 2010 6:07pm

A 41-YEAR-old mother of eight has been jailed for running a drug syndicate which involved family members and their partners.

More to see:

syndicate这个单词我看了半天也猜不出什么意思. 难道是交易的意思吗?


A syndicate is an association of people or organizations that is formed for business purposes or to carry out a project.

晕, 看来这个妈妈还挺厉害的, 不只是一个毒品交易, 而是搞了个毒品犯罪集团啊.

- Our companies formed a syndicate to bid for the big new contract.
- A syndicate is formed to share the risk of an issue and split it into...

laferwangchao 发表于 23-3-2010 23:46:29


ghrong 发表于 24-3-2010 00:50:19

Police hunt burglar who steals phones, sends obscene photos to contacts
From: Herald Sun March 23, 2010 2:50pm

YOUNG children in Victoria are among dozens of victims of a sick burglar who takes obscene photos of himself on stolen mobile phones and sends the image to contacts listed in the phone.

The Herald Sun reports police are hunting the man, who is alleged to have broken into several houses in the Stonnington, Port Phillip, Yarra and Darebin areas.

More to see:

一个入室行窃的盗贼不但入室偷东西, 还用屋内的手机拍自己的淫秽照片, 然后发给手机里面的女性联系人. 有不少孩子也收到了这些照片.
注意: 此人活动在Stonnington, Port Phillip, Yarra and Darebin等地区. 还没逮住.

burglar, 入室窃贼, 前几天在另外一篇新闻里碰到过了(见3楼), 嘿嘿. 现在又看到了. 你认识我, 我也认识你了. :)
obscene, 淫秽的. 这个词不常见, 可能有人不认识. 不过我以前就背到过了, 而且一眼就认出它了. 嘿嘿. 高兴.

貌似最近几次背的词都是贬义的. 无奈新闻里面大部分不是杀人就是放火. :(

[ 本帖最后由 ghrong 于 23-3-2010 21:52 编辑 ]

frozen_heart770 发表于 24-3-2010 16:43:22

兰迪同学净看些犯罪的新闻呢 ;P ;P

ghrong 发表于 25-3-2010 15:20:24


Minor tremor shakes Pearcedale
By Lucie van den Berg From: Herald Sun March 25, 2010 2:16pm

SOME Victorian residents had a shaky start to the day as an earth tremor hit the town, south-east of Melbourne, this morning.

Geoscience Australia confirmed that a tremor measuring 2.3 magnitude was picked up this morning about 10.36am near Pearcedale, south-east of Melbourne, and was felt by residents within a 20km radius of the town.

... more to see:

今天不发犯罪新闻了, 呵呵.

tremor不认识了, 不过快速通读了一遍全文以后, 基本上确定是地震了, 但是为什么不说earthquake呢?
1. A tremor is a small earthquake.
2. A tremor is a shaking of your body or voice that you cannot control.
原来是小型地震的意思, 微震.
如果是人feels a tremor, 应该是一哆嗦的意思吧.

文中还提到Victoria每年会有300-400次这样的tremors. 很有意思.

- Winslow felt a little tremor of excitement.

我以前知道, 是大小, 重量的意思. 没想到也可以来用于震级. 2.3 magnitude, 2.3级.

半径, 小学里学几何的时候半径是用r表示的, 还记得吗? 呵呵. 直径是d. 不过我不知道英文单词是什么了, 也懒得去查了.

[ 本帖最后由 ghrong 于 25-3-2010 12:22 编辑 ]

berryjuice 发表于 27-3-2010 16:55:42

mark first.

eva_kong 发表于 27-3-2010 23:49:12

:support: :oil

lilac227 发表于 28-3-2010 01:37:01

n. 直径


ghrong 发表于 30-3-2010 01:54:33

I am on my vacation with my family in Hong Kong. Therefore this post has to be stopped to update for at least a few days.
I will come back soon. :-)

四香油饼 发表于 30-3-2010 12:52:45


ghrong 发表于 4-4-2010 22:41:30


Much hyped iPad hits the market
April 4, 2010, 5:12 pm

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Apple's hotly-anticipated iPads are finally in consumers' hands in what the maker of iPods and iPhones heralds as a personal computing revolution.

While Apple Stores were thronged for the iPad debut in the United States Saturday and the California firm was flooded with pre-orders, analysts said it remained to be seen whether the tablet computers would transform culture.

"We think it will be a success no matter what," Gartner Research vice president Ken Dulaney told AFP.

"Tablets have not done well in the past. If Apple changes that paradigm, they are on a new road."

.... More to see:

作为一个Apple fan,当然我最近比较关注的就是iPad新闻了。而且等我到了澳洲以后,肯定会买一台的。

可是。。。这个该死的新闻竟然开头的几段就有4个词我不认识。。。:L   hyped, herald, throng and debut. 现在就一个一个来看看,把他们都搞定吧!:victory:

标题就有一个词不认识了,much hyped ipad, 啥意思呢?猜不出。。。:( 拿出词典。。。

If you describe the publicity for something such as a new film as hype, you disapprove of it because it is very intensive and exaggerated.
看了这个英英解释,隐约有了些概念,但是在脑子里还是找不到一个合适的中文来解释它,于是拿出英汉词典。。。:P 发现解释“大肆炒作”比较合适。
而且这个词是稍微有点贬义的感觉。如果我说Much hyped film Avatar,会不会被阿凡达影迷爆打呢?;P

Something that heralds a future event or situation, or is a herald of it, is a sign that it is going to happen or appear.

When people throng somewhere, they go there in great numbers.

The debut of a performer or sports player is his or her first public performance or recording.

ghrong 发表于 12-4-2010 13:04:04


Apr. 11 2010

7.1 magnitude quake strikes Solomons
A MAJOR, 7.1-magnitude earthquake has struck near the Solomon Islands, the US Geological Survey says, but there is no immediate tsunami alert or report of damage.,23599,26971226-38196,00.html

复习一下, Magnitude. 震级. 还记得吗? 很好很高兴...:happy:

ghrong 发表于 12-4-2010 13:37:35


PM moves to halve emergency waiting
From: AAP April 11, 2010 3:12pm

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd says the Federal Government's plan to halve waiting times in emergency wards is a step in the right direction.

The Federal Government will invest $500 million to reduce waiting times in emergency wards to four hours, Mr Rudd said during a visit to QE2 Jubilee Hospital in Brisbane today.

..... more to see:

看不懂halve是什么意思, 一查字典, 原来就是half的动词. 可以解释为减少一半, 也可以是分成两半.

1. When you halve something, or when it halves, it is reduced to half its previoius size or amount.
2. If you halve something, you divide it into two equal parts.

其实这样的词应该还有很多, 我能想到的是grief/grieve, 还有什么吗?
欢迎回复分享你知道的这样类型的词, 好让我们记住更多.

ghrong 发表于 16-4-2010 20:17:23


Kevin Rudd says he will go to referendum on health plan
From: AAP April 15, 2010 10:02am

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has repeated his threat to go to a referendum at the next election if he can't get agreement on his health plan at Monday's Council of Australian Governments meeting.

Victoria remains the major hold-out but Mr Rudd disputed whether its state health system was as good as Premier John Brumby claimed.

.... more to see:

A referendum is a vote in which all the people in a country are asked whether they agree or disagree with a particular policy.
The government might hold a referendum on the matter.

lightnew 发表于 20-4-2010 01:26:49

Kevin Rudd says he will go to referendum on health plan
Rudd ????

ghrong 发表于 20-4-2010 05:23:52

回复 #21 lightnew 的帖子

What's wrong?

sabrina118 发表于 30-4-2010 13:40:28

:support: ,要是有音标的话就跟好了

ghrong 发表于 6-5-2010 00:34:37

火车撞上挖土机 司机死亡

NSW train crash kills excavator driver
May 5, 2010, 7:31 pm

Dozens of passengers had a lucky escape after a train hit an excavator in central west NSW, killing the machine's operator.

The 77 people on board the CountryLink XPT service managed to avoid injury in Wednesday's crash, which occurred about 11.30am (AEST) 3km east of Newbridge railway station near Bathurst.

... more to see:

excavator 挖土机

angel8791 发表于 6-5-2010 11:15:20

Thanks very much! very helpful!!!:good :good :good

LSJ 发表于 6-5-2010 11:48:30

very good,

ghrong 发表于 7-5-2010 00:55:57


Cars may be barred from Sydney CBD: NRMA
By Belinda Cranston, AAP
May 6, 2010, 5:38 pm

The NRMA wants the NSW government to consult roads users before going ahead with any plans to make Sydney's busiest city street car-free.


"This ad hoc approach to planning in the CBD is what has led to many of its current congestion problems," spokeswoman Wendy Machin said in a statement.


more to see:


这篇新闻通篇没有什么生词, 很容易理解, 但是2个特定的名词引起了我的注意:


如果没有搞错的话, 应该是National Roads and Motorists' Association. 网址

2. ad hoc

这个短语看着眼熟, 因为似乎以前见过ad hoc network之类的写法. wiki了一下,
看了半天仍然没看懂, 对我来说太深奥了...
是个拉丁短语, 而且读音非常奇怪, 竟然是 DIK-shun-air-ee and DIK-shuh-nair-ee (the capitalization indicating the syllables to be stressed)
如果有人对这个有研究, 请指点一二.

骷髅 发表于 7-5-2010 09:38:24

读法就叫‘add’ ‘hok’,一般是有额外的意思。

ghrong 发表于 8-5-2010 01:35:26

对ad hoc的再次研究

ad hoc

UK: IPA: /ˌæd ˈhɒk/, SAMPA: /%{d"hQk/
US: IPA: /ˌæd ˈhɑːk/, /ˌæd ˈhɔk/, /ˌɑd ˈhɑːk/, /ˌæd ˈhak/

for this particular purpose
created on the spur of the moment, impromptu.

At the spur of the moment.
For a particular purpose.

总之看起来是个不怎么容易使用的词, 至少对我来说, 但是看到它能理解就行了.

frozen_heart770 发表于 8-5-2010 01:46:37

原帖由 ghrong 于 8-5-2010 00:35 发表

ad hoc

UK: IPA: /ˌæd ˈhɒk/, SAMPA: /%{d"hQk/
US: IPA: /ˌæd ˈhɑːk/, /ˌæd ˈhɔk/, / ...

唯一看到的一次(non-technical)是在我的 Job Description里看到老板写我要处理 ad-hoc tasks .
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