Survey finds three quarters of Americans support out gay soldiershttp://www.miboys.com/attachments/2010/02/491451_201002122353541DXvC.jpg
Support is rising for out gay soldiers
A poll has found that nearly 75 per cent of Americans support allowing gay soldiers to be open about their sexual orientation.
The research, conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News, foundthat only 24 per cent of the 1,004 adults surveyed thought out gaypeople should not be allowed in the US military.
Currently, gays and lesbians can serve in the military if they keeptheir sexual orientation secret. This law is to undergo a one-yearreview and civilian and military officials have begun hearings on howchange can be implemented.
In the latest survey, women and young people were found to have the highest levels of support.
Eighty-two per cent of Democrats, 77 percent of independents and 64percent of Republicans favoured removing the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'policy.
Public support has steadily grown in favour of repeal in recentyears. Previous polls have shown that just over half of US citizenssupport removing the ban.
However, some military leaders are said to remain in opposition andcritics argue that making the move in the middle of two wars isunfeasible.
Others have warned it will affect recruitment and morale.
President Obama recently promised he would work to repeal the lawthis year. This is unlikely to happen in 2010, as the review isscheduled to last 12 months.
Gay rights campaigners are hopeful that some changes can be made inthe meantime, such as suspending discharges or raising the bar ofevidence required in third-party outings.
Share this story with the world 原帖由 xblues 于 19-2-2010 12:42 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
这种直男通常都是丑男,自作多情地以为会被男同志“性骚扰”。;P I'm a dick.
[ 本帖最后由 katsura 于 17-8-2011 13:52 编辑 ]
发布: 2010-2-20 22:55 作者: 佚名 来源: 米站国际 评论: 0条 进入论坛奥巴马总统希望国会能在今年通过废除军中行之有年的“不问不说 ”禁令,引起广泛讨论。
奥巴马总统上个月力促国会终结军中“不问不说 ”规定,允许军中同性恋者公开自己的身份。据《纽约时报》报导指出,奥巴马承诺与国会和军事单位密切合作,以期在今年内废除这项影响同性恋军人权益的禁令。
“不问不说 ”政策始于1993年,由时任总统克林顿推动,规定军中不得讨论同性恋相关话题,不问其他人的性取向,也不能主动公开自己的同性恋身份。据军人团体服役者法律防御网络的统计资料估计,从1994年以来,已经有超过13,500名军人因为同性恋被解职。
他说:“就国家安全与军事正当性来说,我们现在正处于两个战争中,保持最优良的军力是很重要的。 因此在这个时刻,我们一定要能留住所有最精良的军人,无论他是不是同性恋。”
然而,一些保守团体提出反对意见。“伦理与宗教自由委员会”会长罗伯特·兰德表示,废除“不问不说 ”禁令有损部队士气,会造成人才流失的严重后果。因为在美国全募兵制的结构下,有许多军人来自相对保守的地区,他们无法接受解除这项禁令。
一位不愿具名的陆军上尉指出,军中的确有许多人认为废除“不问不说 ”是不对的,但军队当然要贯彻总统与国会的决定,只是实行上必须多加注意,以不破坏军中本来建立的平衡为要务:
不过针对信任度这个问题,尼克斯则认为,只有同袍之间完全坦诚相待时,才能谈真正的信任。 如果一个军人诚恳向战友们坦承自己的性取向,他相信这样的诚实反而能巩固军人中彼此的信任。