快30多了,准备明年2,3月份怀孕生孩子。最近婆婆去市场买了个什么blackmore的pregnancy&breast-feeding gold,不知道这种东西可不可以在准备怀孕的期间吃啊(好像上面只写了怀孕后吃),上面写什么take 2 once a day with a meal是怎么个吃法(饭后吃2个,还是一顿一个,和饭一起吃还是饭后)婆婆还给老公买的menevit,我都看不懂什么东西,她估计也是听店员介绍就买了。
PS:我和老公都是574学生签证保险。我的保险是今年9月才办理的,到时候检查生育报销多少呢? 我看应该是饭后吃两颗吧,另外一般怀孕前要加强叶酸和B6,通常提前三个月开始吃,建议去看看GP,做个抽血检查,看看身体状况是否适合马上怀孕。
其他问题可以搜索一下论坛上相关的其他贴子或查看一下亲子版的置顶贴。 LZ那个适合已经怀孕的,现在孕前吃的应该是另一种产品(Blackmores Conceive Well (TM) Gold),有助于怀孕的,里面包括LS说的叶酸和B6,通常提前三个月开始吃。
Blackmores Conceive Well™ Gold prepares the body for conception. Some of the key nutrients include:
* Antioxidants – are important for women attempting conception. Chances of conception increase in women with higher levels of antioxidants in the fluid surrounding their reproductive organs.
* CoQ10 – Levels of CoQ10 decrease with age. Adequate levels of CoQ10 in the expectant mother are associated with healthy early stages of pregnancy.
* Iodine - is important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland as it is an essential nutrient required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones affect almost every cell in the body and regulate oxygen use, metabolic rate and cellular metabolism. Iodine plays an important role in normal brain development and eyesight.
* Tuna oil - is a source of omega-3 long chain fatty acids. DHA is particularly important for the normal function of the brain, and for development of normal eyesight.
* Folic acid - plays a role in DNA and RNA synthesis, and is therefore critical in cellular division. In order to divide properly, cells need adequate folate. The development and growth of a foetus involves constant cell division, which can lead to an increase in the mother’s demand for folate.
* Vitamin C – is needed for hormone production and may help to stimulate normal ovulation. The developing egg needs adequate vitamin C to mature. The ovary contains one of the largest ascorbic acid stores in the body.
* Vitamin D3 - supports calcium absorption and is essential for building and maintaining healthy bones. Low vitamin D levels are common in women during pregnancy.
* Iron - a component of haemoglobin, an essential component of red blood cells. Haemoglobin transports oxygen in the body. Having optimal haemoglobin levels helps the cells of the body receive sufficient oxygen. Early foetal brain development requires adequate iron. As many as one quarter of Australian women have below recommended intakes of iron prior to conception.
* Zinc - essential to good health as it is involved in many enzyme reactions in every cell of the body. Adequate levels of zinc support normal conception and are essential for a healthy baby’s normal growth and development.
* B group vitamins - play an essential role in the production of energy and support normal conception.
http://www.blackmores.com.au/pregnancy/Products/Detail.aspx?ProductId=2088 啊,那我吃错了怎么办 后一个是elevit吧。我孕前吃了好几个月了,GP和OB都说没事。 :oil :oil :oil 没事儿!这几种都可以吃。我已经吃了一瓶,现在向第二瓶进攻。我每天早上吃一个,晚上吃一个,都是饭后吃。
:loveliness: GP和我说的是,在进餐时候吃药,不是饭前也不是饭后,我都是2粒一起吃的,上面说明上也写的是take 2 capsules once a day with a meal 2 片一起吃,和饭一起吃。
怀前吃也没啥,都是些维生素,补点叶酸而已 提醒一个:
祝你生个健健康康的宝宝。 通常生育保险都会有12个月的等待期,如果你九月份才买,计划2,3月生宝宝的话,应该还不能报销吧:P