谢谢哪位爸妈能指导一下! you can name a gp you normally see. 原帖由 chris605 于 11-11-2009 10:24 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
you can name a gp you normally see.
那我需要预先付费给他吗,还是以后有情况去的时候才付费。谢谢 no. normally when the kid is in schooling, his health will be taken care of by the school nurse. when exceptional situation happen,they can have a contact for the kid's health history. so you don't need to pay the gp. 那如果以前没看过 随便填一个的话 人家GP那里也没资料 没事的吧? 还是要先和GP打声招呼啊 如果暫時沒有,就先不填。我儿子入CHILDCARE的时候是这么说的,以防万一而已。 你是说GP吗,就是诊所大夫,不用想的那么复杂,不看病不用花钱,再说看病也是可以用medicare卡的,不一定要花钱。
你倒是可以打听附近有没好点的GP,就填他的信息,以后看病也去找他不得了,不行在换,跟学校说一下更新信息应该没什么问题吧 谢谢:good :good 原帖由 chris605 于 11-11-2009 11:08 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
no. normally when the kid is in schooling, his health will be taken care of by the school nurse. when exceptional situation happen,they can have a contact for the kid's health history. so you don't ne ...
Thanks a lot for kind instruction.:)