天气渐好,蠢蠢欲动,召集有宝宝的爸爸妈妈一起墨尔本近郊2-3日游。不管想不想去,有任何建议都请回帖,充分发挥FreeOZ网络互助精神,把我们墨尔本的小日子过得有滋有味,有声有色。 这个周末就很好,下周也行,每周都出去更好,呵呵。 good idea! we like to go outdoor. do you have any detail plan?
just view touring ?
drive own car or train?
should book hotel?
waiting for your reply would you like have a look on my idea?
http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/thread-866805-1-1.html 好啊好啊,已经在你的帖子留言,这样长途车都不用开了,更省心。 this is a little bit luxury. but i am trying to find a cheaper and similar hotel.