大概能在明年7月前往澳洲,我很喜欢美甲,不知道这个工作好找不好找有没有女性喜欢美甲的,如果自己在家里给人弄美甲,有没有生意哇?:yct_9 There are a lots of nail bar in Australia, I think it should be easy to find this job! 自从有了宝宝 再也没涂过指甲油了。我感觉在美甲店工作对身体不好吧,毕竟里面有很多有毒的化学品的。 曾经也想过去学个美甲班的,可惜没腾出时间来 maywong501 发表于 21-12-2009 15:22 static/image/common/back.gif
There are a lots of nail bar in Australia, I think it should be easy to find this job!
Can I understand you mean all the big cities? Is that include West Perth?