sorry这篇文章搬走了[ 本帖最后由 lisa2008 于 17-7-2011 22:14 编辑 ] :good :good :good 好好活着就好 说得好!!! 世界上还有没有什么,比这样活着更赚的?
:good :good :good ,喜欢。
丽莎这几天才情大发哦~~~ nice essay, reminds me a word "you live once, make it twice!" 你赚了多少了?
回复 #6 ubuntuhk 的帖子
:lol :lol :lol 我原来一个老板,酷爱喝酒。他的名言是 life is too short to drink bad wine有道理~ and so on~
life is too short to waste
life is too short to hesitate
life is too short to ...........
just do
when you can