It is exactly the situation, tho at the meantime, it is also the UNIVERSAL rule, even if in Britain, regardless of any govs. 看来老外还是不懂中国啊!
除非要饿死了,中国人是不会起义的,也团结不起来。 No jobs no deal,没什么奇怪啊,哪里都一样,不能提供工作机会何富裕生活的政党是没人要的,美国、英国都一样 老外骨子里觉得中国应该是落后的,最好你们总是内乱, 想怎么收拾你就怎么收拾你,想想八国联军的年代就明白了,落后注定挨打,为什么美,英,法到现在没有一个国家归还抢去的国宝,中国还不够强大啊
中国人重视经济发展,国力强大了,总看着不顺眼啊。。。。 怎么觉得这英文是个中国人写的。。。 国外有高福利,失业还好,但国内没有福利的情况下失业就会出大问题。
回复 #9 xblues 的帖子
中国因为历史的原因已经落后西方太久了,在追赶的过程中已经无法“满足”西方国家要求的所谓的民主,看看美国式的民主给非洲带来了什么,给东南亚带来了什么,又把前苏联搞成了什么样子,受益的是谁大家都很清楚,如果在中国也搞美国式的民主,就会回到从前的一盘撒沙,偷笑的是谁?! 难道还看不清吗?在发展的过程确实有很多的腐败,各种交易,交易的背后难道没有美国及其他西方国家利益的渗透吗? 这是一个博弈的过程。。。 OK, the question is, who is able to say, he can give China, or Chinese people a better life, especially under this kind of situation(the world's financial crisis )? And if there is such a person/party saying this, how could you trust him/it? What will make you believe in him/it? And how do you know he/it will not bring some new problems to this country? No one knows.
I'm not saying what the article talks about is incorrect. Actually, what it talks about is a fact, but it's only a fact, and it's the fact that I think all Chinese already know. That's it. It doesn't supply a solution, not even a hint.
Talking about the solution, I think we should never depend on other countries, this will just make things worse, that is for sure. Other than this, we need a revolution? Or just some imporvements? Or anything else? I don't know. What I know is, at this time, I don't like to see my homeland become a battle field again.
[ 本帖最后由 someonehappy 于 3-12-2008 14:34 编辑 ]