坛子里的大部分都是考过了雅思的人,我想请问一下,背新概念英语对雅思的提高大么?因为我的英语老师建议我背这套书,可我现在还在背第3册啊,都感觉难度好大啊:'( :'( :'( .
要上班,学英语的时间不多啊:'( :'( :'( I never recited New Concept English, but I do hear a lot of people recommending so.
Personally I believe that reciting can be one of the most effective way of learning English. If you are doing NCE, keep doing.
Although it seems fair that reciting both 3 and 4 would take probably one and a half year, you definitely do not need to wait that long before taking an IELTS, because taking an exam is different. It takes good English competence to excel in the exam, but bear in mind that excelling in exams doesn't mean excelling in reciting. Thanks a lot,
I want to take IELTS after 3 years, so I'll keep reciting for advance my English ability. It can be very helpful. After I recite half of book3, both my listening and speaking skill has been improved. I haven't even started book 4 before taking IELTS, but it's already enough. BTW, you will get something called language feeling by reciting. However if you have the opportunity of communicating with the native English speaker directly, that's a different story.
回复 #4 decisiontree 的帖子
Thank you !You give mea big confidence for IELTS! I took an IELTS mod test last mouth. It is a bad experience for me. Because, I got just 3 points in average. 成功的办法很多,只要你努力坚持,你就会创造奇迹。当我每天问问自己 “我努力做了吗?”:L :L :L :L :L :L ,所以我的英语一直不好 楼上的各位背过新概念的大虾,请问你们是一句句背呢,还是一次把全篇课文全背下来?
我刚读了6课。有点效果感觉。希望背过的大虾再强调一下效果,给我点信心哈。:tk_05 NCE may be a systematic textbook for you to improve your grammer ability if your grammer is not so competent that makes negative effective in your communication.But reciting texts isn't a good way to master the original principle of English which contains two important parts:words and grammer.It means that once you overcome words and grammer of English,you will be an excellent speaker. What IELTS tests you is your abilities in speaking,reading and writing,not in reciting.So I don't recommend you recite any texts,to read texts loudly for several times instead,with purpose of remembering the important words and grammer in the text.
回复 #8 想念天空 的帖子
我今天刚背到第6课:) ,自我感觉还不错,昨天上英语课的时候跟老师讨论了一段经济危机的话题in English,老师说我进步很大~~嘿嘿:loveliness: :loveliness: 背nce3应该是有效果的,平时学英文都是处在接收状态,学了之后你再听到你懂,但是要你复述出来有难度.背课本能打通这个关节.不过前提是背的时候知道自己在说什么而不是鹦鹉学舌.
另外背课文只是提高雅思的方法之一. 持之以恒,会有帮助的。