现在好像只有MRT了,请帮帮忙! 我们现在该怎么办??谢谢 :)律师好=v= 我是202签证 在澳洲呆4年可入籍?那中间是不是可以回国探亲呢- -
HANSHUANG,您好!我是做NAATI移民的,工作已经三年,在同一家公司里做翻译,NAATI通过,雅思(7.5,7.5,7,6.5),2010年4月28日递交的PR申请,此职业已不在新的SOL上,而且配额制度会有所改变,请问我拿到PR几率多大?有什么补救的办法?比如雇主担保?谢谢!! 原帖由 takuya 于 14-6-2010 21:58 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
楼主您好,我的这个情况有点复杂的说.我老公08年3月拿到的PR,当时他申请的时候是IT Master也有工作经验,加起来已经超过120分了,可是当时他申请的时候带了他的前女友就是Defecto,就互相加5分,两人都拿到了PR.但是去年当 ...
上MRT的话需要证明的是你老公已经达到120分的要求,不需要5分的配偶加分,这一点比较重要,也是能否上诉成功的关键。 原帖由 超级无敌娜 于 15-6-2010 01:02 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
:)律师好=v= 我是202签证 在澳洲呆4年可入籍?那中间是不是可以回国探亲呢- -
你想接奶奶过来一起住的话需要为她另外申请签证。 原帖由 queue_22222 于 15-6-2010 03:00 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
您好!我是做NAATI移民的,工作已经三年,在同一家公司里做翻译,NAATI通过,雅思(7.5,7.5,7,6.5),2010年4月28日递交的PR申请,此职业已不在新的SOL上,而且配额制度会有所改变,请问我拿到PR几率多大?有什 ...
雇主担保是比较理想的办法,如果没有雇主担保走GSM的话翻译按照现在的进度需要很长时间,甚至以后有可能被退回申请。 :congra :congra :congra hanshuang律师您好!能不能帮忙回答一下我的问题呢?谢谢!
谢谢您耐心的回复 原帖由 nodder 于 15-6-2010 16:54 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
1,我有10年工作经验,中间跳过几次槽,以前的公司都是小公司,没有合同,工资条啊什么的,我看到移民局官方网 ...
1. 只要提供最近4年的详细工作证明,以前的公司提供推荐信可以。
2. 如果公司倒闭的话,自己写个声明就可以。
3. 会贝雕你工作过的几个公司,做好准备。
4. 几个月没有工作说明即可,不会影响。 :congra :congra :congra :congra :congra :congra
回复 #2235 hanshuang 的帖子
非常感谢!!! :congra :congra :congra 辛苦呢~加油!加油!:victory: :congra :congra :congra :congra请问
最近163B据说已经停止了,但截止之前提交的有效。不知现在的163B审理进度排到几月份了? 原帖由 嘉菲猫 于 17-6-2010 12:39 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif最近163B据说已经停止了,但截止之前提交的有效。不知现在的163B审理进度排到几月份了?
询问香港领事馆。 :congra :congra :congra
如果给他们发中文E-mail,可以吗? 原帖由 嘉菲猫 于 17-6-2010 17:23 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif如果给他们发中文E-mail,可以吗?
知道了,非常感谢! :congra :congra :congra回复 #2247 hanshuang 的帖子
请问黄律师:我得职业已经不在新的sol里了但是已处于最后阶段(08年10月签收)会如何处理呢?谢谢! 原帖由 zhangyuanzhi 于 18-6-2010 13:41 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif请问黄律师:我得职业已经不在新的sol里了但是已处于最后阶段(08年10月签收)会如何处理呢?谢谢!
309,dependent child问题
我老公是pr,刚结婚。我现在在中国想申请309签证,我之前的一段婚姻有个孩子4岁。离婚判决上写明“所生之女由我抚养,前夫每月付抚养费,直到所生之女满18岁止”。我打算和孩子一起申请309,她作为DEPENDENT CHILD1、有这个法院的判决后,是否还要找前夫写同意孩子移民的声明?
非常谢谢了 原帖由 kkxx207 于 18-6-2010 17:00 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
我老公是pr,刚结婚。我现在在中国想申请309签证,我之前的一段婚姻有个孩子4岁。离婚判决上写明“所生之女由我抚养,前夫每月付抚养费,直到所生之女满18岁止”。我打算和孩子一起申请309,她作为DEPENDENT CHILD
1 ...
你需要有前夫的同意信才可以办理,否则无法申请你的孩子过来。 :congra :congra :congra
请问165移民,什么时候才能转892?必须符合哪些条件?谢谢! 原帖由 缘圆 于 19-6-2010 22:27 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif请问165移民,什么时候才能转892?必须符合哪些条件?谢谢!
You have been sponsored by an appropriate regional authority of a State/ Territory government.
Ownership interest
You have had and continue to have, an ownership interest and direct and continuous management, in up to two actively operating main business in Australia for at least two years immediately before you apply. You must own at least:
* 51 per cent of the business where the turnover is less than AUD400 000 per annum
* 30 per cent of the business where the turnover is AUD400 000 or more per annum
* 10 per cent where the business is a publicly listed company
A transitional provision is available if you have purchased a main business in Australia prior to 19 April 2010 and you are applying for this visa. Under these circumstances a minimum of 10 per cent ownership in a main business is required.
For each of these businesses, an Australian Business Number has been obtained for all Business Activity Statements (BAS) required by the Australian Taxation Office and you can provide evidence that the BAS were lodged to the ATO for the 2 years before you lodged your visa application.
Acceptable business record
You (or your partner) have never been involved in unacceptable business activities.
Time in Australia
You have been in Australia for at least one year cumulatively in the two years before you apply.
Other requirements
You must also meet at least two of the following three requirements (unless the appropriate state/territory authority has determined there are exceptional circumstances).
* Net business assets – the net value of your (or your and your partner's combined) assets in the main business (or two main business) in Australia is at least AUD75 000 throughout the 12 months immediately before you apply.
* Net personal and business assets – the net value of your (or you and your partner's combined) personal and business assets in Australia has been at least AUD250 000 throughout the 12 months immediately before you apply.
* Provided employment – throughout the 12 months immediately before you apply your (or your and your partner's) business or two main businesses employed at least the equivalent of one full–time employee who is:
o an Australian citizen, permanent resident or New Zealand passport holder
o not a member of your family.
Annual turnover
Your main business (or two main businesses together), had a turnover of at least AUD200 000 in the 12 months immediately before you apply.
See: Definitions
This may not apply if you meet all of the following conditions:
* you met at least two of the three requirements above (net business assets, net personal and business assets, provided employment)
* the appropriate state/territory authority has determined there are exceptional circumstances
* both your business and residence is located in a designated regional or low growth area :congra :congra :congra