Power Verbs--enhance your Resume
Chronological Resume Outcome PhrasesDesign, develop and deliver
Conduct needs analysis
Write course design documents
Manage development
Consult with clients
Facilitate problem-solving meetings
Implement solutions
Develop and implement formatting
Developed and delivered
Revamped product training
Assessed employee and client training needs
Analyzed evaluation data
Designed and implemented
Followed special project task force...
Assisted special project task force...
Facilitated discussion to ...
Blue Chip Resume
managed an eleven-person...team
negotiated over &tk
actively participated in the development of and or coordinated strategic five-year plan
created and implemented innovative approach to...
developed new procedures to...
Power Verbs
accelerated acclimated accompanied accomplished achieved acquired acted activated actuated adapted added addressed adhered adjusted administered admitted adopted advanced advertised advised advocated aided aired affected allocated altered amended amplified analyzed answered anticipated appointed appraised approached approved arbitrated arranged ascertained asked assembled assigned assumed assessed assistedattained attracted audited augmented authored authorized automated awarded avail balanced bargained borrowed bought broadened budgeted built
calculated canvassed capitalized captured carried out cast cataloged centralized challenged chaired changed channeled charted checked chose circulated clarified classified cleared closed co-authored cold called collaborated collected combined commissioned committed communicated compared compiled complied completed composed computed conceived conceptualized concluded condensed conducted conferred consolidated constructed consulted contracted contrasted consulted contributed contrived controlled converted convinced coordinated corrected corresponded counseled counted created critiqued cultivated cut