ritaclin 发表于 25-6-2008 19:57:53

原帖由 tttkoo 于 24-6-2008 23:09 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif

流氓兔2007 发表于 25-6-2008 20:36:32


看了lz的帖子 知道这个世界真的很奇妙 谢谢lz。

craigie 发表于 25-6-2008 20:57:40


流氓兔2007 发表于 25-6-2008 21:05:43


如果lz征婚 把照片放上来 就牛了

fantergaruo 发表于 25-6-2008 21:27:07

原帖由 ritaclin 于 25-6-2008 18:55 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif


ritaclin 发表于 25-6-2008 21:34:11

原帖由 流氓兔2007 于 25-6-2008 20:05 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
如果lz征婚 把照片放上来 就牛了

ritaclin 发表于 25-6-2008 21:35:51

原帖由 fantergaruo 于 25-6-2008 20:27 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif

呵呵,指他对别人的态度,特别是对华人的态度。不过,我那个冬冬要想看懂也确实不容易的,西西河里唯一仅6朵花就被铁手入典的作品,除非铁版个人极之欣赏肯定,是不会有如此破格之举的,而我仅周余时间,就出新兵 ...

sunrongsz 发表于 26-6-2008 03:24:01


have no idea what u guys talking about...

fatergaruo, if u want to have free sex, then be honest, there might be someone who is interested in that...

but u r trying to be so vague and pretend u r nice and all.... but its so obvious that u r not popular in real life or behind the screen...

sorry to say that...

hidec 发表于 26-6-2008 10:10:23


fantergaruo 发表于 26-6-2008 11:22:11

原帖由 ritaclin 于 25-6-2008 20:34 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif


ritaclin 发表于 26-6-2008 12:03:26

原帖由 fantergaruo 于 26-6-2008 10:22 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif


ft ur logic:lol

it seems u need no reply other than 顶!:lol

fantergaruo 发表于 26-6-2008 12:33:14

原帖由 sunrongsz 于 26-6-2008 02:24 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
have no idea what u guys talking about...

fatergaruo, if u want to have free sex, then be honest, there might be someone who is interested in that...

but u r trying to be so vague and pretend u...

What's mean of "free sex"? Did you have it or enjoy it? Or you are not happy with that everyone has the right to have "free sex"? Be frank, I do not like such words as "free sex", do you like to have sex with everyone? or everyone likes to have a sex with you? Nothing is free, even the air, you need to breathe it, and be better in a right place. In fact, I am a very shy person before, and still be shy now. Some times, people feel lonely or boring, they want to stay with someone else. There are lots ways to achieve this goal, it's more popular to stay with an opposite sex if you are not a glass. I am happy to know that everyone could have good sex, surely I am a human too. Also, there must be some other joyful things between opposite sex, I won't want to lose them!
I showed my mind here in my way, did not try to pretend or puzzle you. And I never try to prevent otheres to enjoy the life besides they want to make crime or hurt others. You can go your way if you are not interested in or not clear with it. How to judge a person is popular or not? Or a popular person is noble than others? Can you deny the internet is a good way to meet people? Maybe I will try to say hello in the street or in the train, but I still consider it's a good way to have some talk and reading before meeting someone suddenly.
You can show your opinion, but please be carefull before you judge others.
I knew what will follow up before I put out this note, my mind still wanted to show his idea about how to respect others, so I obey my heart!

流氓兔2007 发表于 26-6-2008 23:23:26

外语这么好啊。 对了 忘了说一句了 lz能不能把和你联系过得女生得qq啊 msn啊 什么告诉一下,我好告诉我朋友离这样得女生远点。 谢谢啊。

fantergaruo 发表于 27-6-2008 01:08:36

原帖由 流氓兔2007 于 26-6-2008 22:23 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
外语这么好啊。 对了 忘了说一句了 lz能不能把和你联系过得女生得qq啊 msn啊 什么告诉一下,我好告诉我朋友离这样得女生远点。 谢谢啊。
hehe, I think you still have some misunderstanding, you need not to worry, because your friends have no chance at all.

无声叹息 发表于 27-6-2008 20:17:45


[ 本帖最后由 无声叹息 于 27-6-2008 21:08 编辑 ]

lh43424 发表于 27-6-2008 20:18:41


seraph_wxq 发表于 28-6-2008 13:43:37


carl181818 发表于 28-6-2008 16:15:00

原帖由 lh43424 于 27-6-2008 19:18 发表 http://www.freeoz.biz/forum/images/common/back.gif
我想别人的误解是从这句话开始的。"寻无婚姻计划或两年内无婚姻计划",起码作为一个女孩子(或者男孩子也有同样想法),如果看到这句话,感觉应该只是找个“不以结婚为前提交往的对象”。这就难怪别人会那么回帖子了 ...




[ 本帖最后由 carl181818 于 28-6-2008 15:31 编辑 ]

fantergaruo 发表于 29-6-2008 19:06:42

呵呵,一个合适的就够了,何谈混乱? 许多人交过的女朋友估计比我多,我对感情是很慎重的,不想打着谈感情的幌子,我所做不过是尽量不伤害别人,同时解决问题,我的苦衷不想公开说,能说的已经说了,会意的人自然会很明白。 把标题换成“寻两年内无婚姻计划女友”也可以,但我确实有排斥婚姻的念头,可能需要许多年来消解这个念头。我是一个很善良的人,单纯利己反而会有更好的方式,我不过也考虑她人的利益罢了。

牧马人 发表于 4-10-2009 13:03:28

这么好的帖子怎么能沉了,我来顶,lz不需要谢我哈:tk_00 :tk_00

alphabeta 发表于 4-10-2009 13:34:22

服了!早看到这帖子的话,之前就绝不和这id掰扯了:yct_1 :yct_1 :yct_1

[ 本帖最后由 alphabeta 于 4-10-2009 12:35 编辑 ]

fantergaruo 发表于 4-10-2009 13:36:34

回复 #50 Michael.Sun 的帖子


fantergaruo 发表于 4-10-2009 13:39:01

牧马人 发表于 4-10-2009 13:43:29



fantergaruo 发表于 4-10-2009 14:07:17

回复 #54 Michael.Sun 的帖子

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