我们3人想找1 - 3人自驾游同去Adelaide (我们在墨尔本),或者已经在Adelaide的朋友想在我们到达之后一起玩也行。我已经在网上订到了Adelaide的一间旅馆,check in 24 号, check out 27 号, 共三晚,每晚88元 per room (One room for 2 person), 想要同去的朋友请速联系(站内留言),可以自己在网上订房,应该还订的到房间,晚了就难说了。
我们初步的日程内容是:逛阿市的唐人街,去Kangaroo Island, 酿酒厂品酒和德国镇。
如有熟悉阿市的朋友有更好的建议去处,请不吝赐教,先谢了。 怎么联系?
谢谢 请问只有一间房吗? 已经有三个人了? 怎么住啊?
是要租车去还是自己有车开去呢? 原帖由 WenZi07 于 14-12-2007 14:31 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
我们3人想找1 - 3人自驾游同去Adelaide (我们在墨尔本),或者已经在Adelaide的朋友想在我们到达之后一起玩也行。
我已经在网上订到了Adelaide的一间旅馆,check in 24 号, check out 27 号, 共三晚,每晚 ...
我想参加,但你们的时间要24号出发啊. 啊哈:D
AD的CHINATOWN可没啥逛头. 我25号才到,你们什么时候去kangroo island 啊?
方便的话联系一下。 KI is on fire, and it will not be enough time for KI as well, 3 days are not long, don't be too ambitious to go everywhere..
回复 #2 guojf 的帖子
不好意思,现在情况有些变化,我们中的有一个人改主意不去了,本来发帖子的目的也是因为“三缺一”,替他找人share房间的,现在他不去,我们就自己去了。回复 #4 tanshen 的帖子
曾经听说过背包旅馆有$10一晚的,是挺便宜的,不过我们还是想住好一点的旅馆,难得假期有时间出去玩,就算是对自己的一点犒赏吧。不去Kangaroo Island了
昨天我也在新闻了看到Kangaroo Island着火的消息了,看来不能去了。AD的Chinatown之前也有耳闻并不大。不过从来没去过AD,还是要去看一下,吃一顿饭的。 if you drive i will suggest the caravan parks for accommodation, because for the price of motel, you can have a kitchen to cook, very convenience. try www.big4.com.au
3 days will not be enough for KI anyway. schedule 1 day around victor harbor, 1 day to wineries and 1 day for other places e.g. city, beaches etc
for barossa, take the detour around adelaide hills instead of going the main north rd, it's much nicer. for victor harbour, don't forget to visit the villages nearby such as pt elliot, goolwa, if you have time and you like antiques, strathalbyn is worth going on your way back from victor harbour.
for hahndorf, it is on the way from mel to ad so you may either put it in the very first place to visit or very last, for example you can have a meal over there when you drive back to melbourne. some restaurants are ok, btw there are no very good chinese restaurants here, only 'OK' ones. you may wish to try some other styles or cook you own meal in the caravan park.
good luck Very nice suggestion by Cello, even I am in adelaide, I haven't visited all of these places, may be have a look on christmas as well :good 我的KI的船票和住宿在几周前已经订了,估计改不了了。没办法。
还有cavaran park里的cabin很便宜,和motel差不多,但是有厨房,方便很多。但是建议自带被褥。
好好玩玩,难得的旅游好地方,我也想玩玩去,只是决定先去海边,不管什么样子的,什么cost 我也想去呀`反正我放假` ``怎么联系呀`?? 有手机吗?我叫ERIC(英文名)回复 #11 cello 的帖子