another brick in the wall
[ 本帖最后由 thewall 于 25-7-2007 18:41 编辑 ] 20号还好好的,23号BB头上有湿疹? ... because of my :kiss:... ... wolf's kisses ... 真真的漂亮啊.大+小. 原帖由 sanly 于 25-7-2007 12:00 发表
... 是漂亮啊, 人家都说跟他们爹爹一样啊... cute 好可爱的宝宝,恭喜恭喜!! 原帖由 thewall 于 25-7-2007 12:20 发表
... 是漂亮啊, 人家都说跟他们爹爹一样啊...
我怎么看着thewall version 1 & 2 都随他们妈啊?:lol 小宝宝手指十分纤长,很漂亮啊!大宝宝很帅滴!老墙真是幸福的人儿!! 恭喜,恭喜,强烈+严重的恭喜!!!:victory: 好可爱的宝宝!
有种冲动,结婚生孩子:lol 恭喜!!!!!!!!!!
LS的,不结婚也可以的 羡慕死掉了:) 哈哈 墙公子好精神
可爱的小家伙 好可爱啊!老墙记得以后拍照别用闪光灯啊!
恭喜恭喜恭喜! 原帖由 singingbird 于 25-7-2007 16:01 发表好可爱啊!老墙记得以后拍照别用闪光灯啊!
... under lights i have to use flash? otherwise too dark ... 黑就黑吧,闪光灯会把小宝宝的眼睛闪坏的.不能用.
我女儿生下来的时候,奶奶不让拍照,迷信,说不好. 不过我们还是拍了,太珍贵了,就象现在小小墙一样的,等他们长大了看一下,多有意思啊! 这个哥哥当得不错,帮主两口子可以分配些活给他了,哈哈 原帖由 thewall 于 25-7-2007 16:34 发表
... under lights i have to use flash? otherwise too dark ...
Well, if you are going to use flash, you should 'bounce' it, by directing it off a nearby white wall to illuminate the subject (baby). That gives you a nice soft, 'wrap around' light to work with. Working with direct flash is always terrible, a harsh and unattractive light with dark, sharp shadows. Alternately, you can put the baby gently near a soft, lit window and use a white bed sheet, or sheet of white card to reflect light back onto the baby for a soft, beautiful light. Sounds like hard work? Just try will be amazed and delighted at the would give you a lot less work to do in Photoshop, if any!!! 我记得上次BBQ,小强可是捡到什么都往BBQ炉子里面扔,幸好医院没有BBQ来炉子。:lol :lol 恭喜恭喜!羡慕S了:victory: :lol