欧阳京 发表于 26-8-2021 10:00:44


本帖最后由 欧阳京 于 26-8-2021 14:12 编辑

被时代杂志评为世界百佳小说的《Animal Farm》,中文译名为《动物庄园》,篇幅很短,那天我在路边石凳上一边等人,一边在手机上看完了它的英文版。

与George Orwell的另外一部名篇--《1984》相比,《动物庄园》总体说来轻松活泼,没有那么恐怖,也没有那么阴沉。故事叙述得也客观冷静,没有《1984》那么多的意识流,因此读起来比较愉快。


这种结尾,显然表达了George Orwell的悲观和信心的缺乏。前苏联的解体,东欧社会主义国家的纷纷垮台,在伟大的预言家(寓言家?)George Orwell那里,始终没有任何暗示。《1984》结尾的悲观是人类沉重的心灵,《动物庄园》结尾的悲观则是兽类纷乱的扑腾,而作者的悲观却是同样的――自由一旦失去,就永不再来(Freedom once lost, is lost forever)。

当然,和《动物庄园》的“解放前”情况相比,那时的自由是程度的问题。庄园主人Mr. Jones好酒贪睡,为动物们结社和集会甚至串联都留下了相当的自由空间。从理论上分析,只要私有制存在,“剥削”总是要存在的,如果所有的产出全部供动物们消费,没有丝毫利润可言,整个庄园的破产是毫无疑问的。动物们在辛勤劳作之余,有时间学习和分析阶级剥削的理论,并总结只有出武装夺权实现公有制才是动物阶级得到真正的、彻底的自由的唯一途径这一伟大的革命理论。




Serin 发表于 26-8-2021 13:26:21


欧阳京 发表于 27-8-2021 17:00:25


"Animal Farm", which was rated as one of the world's top 100 novels by Time Magazine, is translated as "Animal Farm" in Chinese. It is very short. I was waiting on a stone bench by the roadside and read the English version of it on my mobile phone that day.

Compared with George Orwell's other famous story-"1984", "Animal Farm" is generally relaxed and lively, not so scary, and not so gloomy. The story is narrated objectively and calmly, without as much stream of consciousness as in "1984", so it is more pleasant to read.

Recalling now, the scene that touched me the most in "Animal Farm" was not the great revolutionary soldier Pig Snowball vs. the owner of the manor, nor the witty leader Pig Napoleon presided over the trial of the hen who destroyed the harmonious manor society, nor was it for the construction of a beautiful manor. And the death of Boxer, the hard-working stallion, is the scene of the pigs and the crowd partying at the wine table at the end of the novel. There, the pig herd, as the ruling class of the animal farm, under the leadership of Napoleon, toasted with the human rulers of the neighboring farm to celebrate the successful conclusion of an agreement on economic, political, and cultural cooperation-"Which are pig faces and which are There is no way to distinguish the human face."

This ending obviously expresses George Orwell's pessimism and lack of confidence. The disintegration of the former Soviet Union and the downfall of the socialist countries in Eastern Europe one after another, George Orwell, the great prophet (the allegor?), has never given any hint. The pessimism at the end of "1984" is the heavy heart of human beings, the pessimism at the end of "Animal Farm" is the chaotic thump of beasts, and the author's pessimism is the same-Freedom once lost, is lost forever).

Of course, compared with the "pre-liberation" situation in "Animal Farm", the freedom at that time was a matter of degree. The owner of the manor, Mr. Jones, has a good drink and snooze, leaving a lot of free space for the animals to organize and assemble and even connect together. From a theoretical analysis, as long as private ownership exists, "exploitation" will always exist. If all the output is for consumption by the animals and there is no profit at all, the bankruptcy of the entire estate is beyond doubt. After hard work, the animals have time to study and analyze the theory of class exploitation, and conclude that only by armed seizure of power to achieve public ownership is the only way for the animal class to obtain true and complete freedom. This great revolutionary theory.

Obviously, with the support of this theory, the animals who succeeded in the revolution finally liberated the productive forces, the pace of manor construction has surpassed history, the results are gratifying, and the theory of class struggle has been proved by practice. Now that everything has been proven to be politically correct, thinking has no meaning at all. As long as it follows the direction specified by the great mentor Napoleon, it is in the interests of most animals. For the manor that pursues the highest efficiency, freedom is superfluous. If freedom is no longer needed, the issue of equality will become increasingly urgent, so there is a famous saying in the animal farm-"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

Advanced theory Once formed, sovereignty and stability issues become extra important. In "1984", the large-character poster "War is Peace" engraved on the building of the Ministry of Truth is an indispensable part of this theory. Its weight is equivalent to "Imperialism will never die." Its core value is "Slavery". It’s freedom.” Totalitarian dictatorship is nothing but a mockery of world civilization—thinking is ridiculous, and all thinking is inferior to “historical choices”.

The human estate also needs the export products of the animal estate. From commodity exchange to value exchange, there is only one step away. There are only eternal interests. There are no eternal friends and enemies. Pig faces and human faces are not far apart. Therefore, whether animal farms or human farms, the evil that forms a powerful alliance will pull the scattered and chaotic conscience into the water. However, for For the animals kidnapped by interest groups, this means that once freedom is lost, it will never come again.

行者之心 发表于 31-8-2021 18:47:57


Serin 发表于 1-9-2021 09:57:39

行者之心 发表于 31-8-2021 18:47


欧阳京 发表于 1-9-2021 10:21:50

Serin 发表于 1-9-2021 09:57




欧阳京 发表于 1-9-2021 10:22:43

行者之心 发表于 31-8-2021 18:47


行者之心 发表于 1-9-2021 10:52:37

欧阳京 发表于 1-9-2021 10:22

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查看完整版本: 自由一旦失去,便永不再来--读《动物庄园》