snapdragon 发表于 21-5-2021 12:21:04


Chapter 6 Taking back joy 重拾快乐
When I felt happy, that happiness was followed immediately by a flood of guit. How could I be happy when my husband was gone? Survivor guilt is a thief of joy-yet another secondeary loss from death. When people lose a loved one, they are not just wracked with grief but also with remorse. It’s another personalization trap, “why am I the one who is still alive?” “I did not spend enough time with him”. When the company sack people, the remaining employee thought “I’m glad it wasn’t me” which is quickly washed away by shame: “I’m a bad person for feeling happy when my friends lost their jobs” 幸存者的罪恶感是窃取快乐的小偷,这是已故亲人造成的次级伤害。失去所爱的人不仅会令你痛不欲生,而且会让你不断自责:“为什么我是那个活下来的人?”即使在强烈的悲痛渐渐消退之后,内疚感也不会消失:“我应该多陪陪他。”死亡会引发幸存者罪恶感,公司裁员也是如此——那些保住工作的人常常深受幸存者罪恶感的折磨。他们的心路历程是这样的:“本来应该是我被裁掉”,接下来是感恩,“幸亏不是我”,羞愧感很快会淹没感恩,“我是个坏人,朋友丢了饭碗,我竟然还能高兴得起来”。I did not realise that I have been holding myself back from happiness.
Chapter 6 Taking back joy 重拾快乐

We want others to be happy, allowing ourselves to be happy-accepting that it is okay to push through the guilt and seek job-is a triumph over permanence. Having fun is a form of self-compassion, just as we need to be kind to ourselves when we make mistakes, we also need to be kind to ourselves by enjoying life when we can. 我们都希望别人快乐,但是允许自己快乐——认识到克服内疚感,寻求快乐并没有什么错,就是战胜了绝望。让自己开心是一种对自己的慈悲,就像我们犯错时也应该善待自己一样。我们确实应该对自己好一点儿,在能够享受生活的时候享受生活。就算不幸的事摧毁了你的大门,把你囚禁起来,逃出来仍需要付出精力和努力。在经历不幸之后寻找快乐,就像拿回我们被偷走的东西一样。
As we get older, we define happiness less in terms of excitement and more in terms of peacefulness. “Peach is job at rest, and job is peace on its feet.” 作家安妮·迪拉德写道:“我们怎么过每一天”决定了“我们怎样过这一生”。我们与其坐等从小事情中获得快乐,不如去做那些能带给我们快乐的小事。我的一个朋友在离婚后列出了一张“开心清单”——听音乐,看望侄子侄女,欣赏画册,吃水果馅饼。她发誓每天下班后要去做清单上的一件事。就像网络博主蒂姆·乌尔班所写的,“幸福就是你在无数平凡日子里拥有的小快乐”。2016年,我的新年计划就基于这个观点而制订——每天晚上我依然会写下三件我当天做得好的事情。随着自信心的恢复,这样做似乎越来越没必要了。于是,Adam提出了一个新想法:写下每天三个快乐的时刻。在我制订的所有新年计划中,这是我坚持时间最长的一个。现在,每天晚上睡觉前,我都会在笔记本上草草写下三个快乐的时刻。这样做能让我关注到这些瞬间,从而心存感恩。

春浅 发表于 21-5-2021 23:41:24


snapdragon 发表于 23-5-2021 23:33:44

春浅 发表于 21-5-2021 22:41

Maggie 做主持人的时候,通常都是先讲一下按语,然后每天发一章的摘抄。群里通常会有人跟评论。:handshake
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 人生之苦(8)——From布村书群Maggie(5.15-5.16)