the love of wisdom
美亚的评价就很多了,且更高更细了,“ I have had read it from cover to cover, and as a 40 year old woman I have honestly learnt something new.”
本书回答了以下26个问题,正如书名所讲:big ideas,除了第一个什么是哲学外,其他25个哲学问题均是由著名哲学家提出的:
1、 What Is Philosophy? 什么是哲学。
It’s originally a word from Ancient Greek: the first part, philo,means ‘love’ (philately means the love of stamps). The second part, whichcomes from the word sophia, means ‘wisdom’. So, when you put the twoparts together—philo-sophy—it literally means ‘the love of wisdom’.
It’s about being sensible, kind, calm and acceptingof how life can sometimes be (which isn’t always perfect, and sometimesreally quite hard).
从前我丢了kindle后,给别人讲,女儿对我的评价是,”我妈妈就不怕丢东西,她丢了东西还高兴呢。“ 因为我总觉得失财后总会有好事发生。也许我的wisdom来源于从前的经历(丢了东西后大事很顺利完结)与未来的渴望(未来会有更大好事发生)。有时候失而复得反而觉得有点失望,哈哈。
2、 Know Yourself with Socrates:苏格拉底
It sounds odd to say it, but maybe you don’t know yourself very well. Ofcourse you know lots of things about yourself—you know what age youare, the colour of your eyes and what you like to have for lunch—but somethings are hard to know. Maybe you’ve never seen the back of your ears,for instance, and probably you don’t know much about your Eustachian
tubes either (those are the tubes that go from inside your ears to the backof your nose). These sort of things don’t actually matter much, but thereare more important things you might not know about yourself, whichyou should: things about your feelings. It’s not just you—everyone hasdifficulty understanding their feelings.
听上去奇怪,但我们或许并不了解自己多少。我们当然可以看到知道了解自己的年龄,肤色,喜欢的食物等等,但我们根本看不到自己耳朵后侧与咽鼓管( Eustachiantubes) 等等。而有些事情不了解也没有关系,但关于其实是很难发了解自己的感情与感受的,无论大人还是小孩。为什么呢?
Thanks to Socrates, our thinking-friend from Ancient Greece, we’ve learntabout how you can get to know yourself better. “The book functions as an ideal introduction to philosophy, as well as a charming way to open up conversations between adults and children about the biggest questions we all face.”
“This is a beautifully produced book published by the School of Life (founded by well known philosopher Alain de Botton). It is a very accessible starting point for exploring philosophy and how philosophical ideas can be applied to everyday life, in fact it is very explicit about this.”
@春浅 推荐给你和牙牙读;P
Big Ideas for Curious Minds 也许我的wisdom来源于从前的经历(丢了东西后大事很顺利完结)与未来的渴望(未来会有更大好事发生)。有时候失而复得反而觉得有点失望,哈哈。
Therefor, you are Philosopher as well.
Anyway, Thanks for sharing.
{:9_555:}{:9_555:} justforfun 发表于 27-11-2020 21:03
Therefor, you are Philosopher as well.
哇,谢谢。你又有时间啦…… :congra
I am flattered by ur logical conclusion ;P
thanx a looooot! 嘻嘻 {:9_619:}{:9_555:} annahw 发表于 27-11-2020 17:21
“The book functions as an ideal introduction to philosophy, as well as a charming way to open up co ...
谢谢推荐,又多了个坑:shutup: justforfun 发表于 27-11-2020 21:03
Therefor, you are Philosopher as well.
有一点楚王失弓的味道:congra 《苏菲的世界》是我读过的非常赞的一部哲学史悬疑小说,真心写得不错,学到并且还能记住不少东西,比如中世纪持续一千年,从四世纪到十四世纪就是我从这本书学到的。{:9_566:} 行者之心 发表于 28-11-2020 15:07
《苏菲的世界》是我读过的非常赞的一部哲学史悬疑小说,真心写得不错,学到并且还能记住不少东西,比如中世 ...
应该说这书我当时是没有读懂,或者说没有记住太多东西。书可能就是这样,当时觉得不好,以后就再不想去碰了。根据您的推荐我又去翻了一下,好象现在倒是能读懂了,哈哈。 annahw 发表于 28-11-2020 19:38
应该说这书我当时是没有读懂,或者说没有记住太多东西。书可能就是这样,当时觉得不好,以后就再不想去碰 ...
加油,我读的是英文版,一般书我读英文版都会更困难一些,但这书能吸引我,应该确实有价值,读完后我还专门整理了一份文件,不过不知怎么在我电脑找不到了。。。:lol 本帖最后由 欧阳京 于 29-11-2020 14:30 编辑
btw,我家最多的书就是哲学书。爱智慧还是爱真理?不知道。萝卜白菜吧。 行者之心 发表于 29-11-2020 09:39
加油,我读的是英文版,一般书我读英文版都会更困难一些,但这书能吸引我,应该确实有价值,读完后我还专 ...
男神推荐的,一定值得一看;P 欧阳京 发表于 29-11-2020 14:25
奇怪了,有时候你上的图图我能看到,有时看不到。这次却是后者;P 但仍然谢谢 3、 Learn to Say What’s onYour Mindwith Ludwig Wittgenstein
When you don’t explain how you feel to other people, it makes you feellike you can’t escape. You feel like no one understands you, and that youare all alone. Sometimes all you want to do is sit in your room and cry.But when you try to tell people what’s in your mind, it gets better.
每个人内心都住着一个小孩 ,很多时候我们也总是想逃避,觉得没有人理解我们,我们很孤独。所以有时候躲起来哭泣。但是当你告诉别人时,分享悲伤悲伤减半或者化为乌有。
路德维希 ‧维特根斯坦说当人们互相不理解是因为他们脑中图像不够相似。
Wittgenstein said thatwhen people don’t understand one another it’s because the pictures intheir heads aren’t similar enough. When someone doesn’t understandsomething that seems clear in your head, instead of getting frustrated,try to describe it more carefully and see if it helps.
The questions of how we can get other people to understand what is onour minds was something that really excited a philosopher called LudwigWittgenstein. He lived in the first half of the 20th century, from 1889 to1951. He was German but for a lot of his life he lived and worked in otherplaces—mainly England. His favourite meal was bread and cheese and he
loved going to the cinema and flying kites. He was very rich but he did a lotof jobs: he cleaned hospitals, he taught in a school, he was a gardener for awhile and he also taught students at university—he even designed a lovelyhouse for his sister in Vienna. He always wanted to build an aeroplane,too, but he never did.
Wittgenstein liked spending time on his own, and he had a little hut inthe countryside in Norway where he could go to be by himself and think.He was very interested in what we can do with words. 行者之心 发表于 28-11-2020 15:05