本帖最后由 妮南 于 20-10-2018 11:31 编辑话说那还是2017年11月份的一天清晨,我还在床头突然听见手机的滴答声,原来是email信件提醒:
一封信件是Your order is on its way. 你在ebay上订购的某项物品已经发出了
另一封是Thank you for your order, Paid $99.98 with credit card。
要说我压根就没有订购此物,马上查看银行账户,$99.98已经被扣了。于是马上就在网上银行点击注销了这张银行卡,要求重新寄一张新卡,因为是debit visa卡,换了卡就会有不同的号码。
这是怎么一回事呢?我之前paypal账号链接的一张银行卡注销后,一次购物时就在ebay上使用了visa debit 卡号,于是就成了这次被盗用的前提。至今还是相信用Paypal支付还是可靠的,尽量避免提供信用卡账号。 为什么只扣了$99.98?这也于银行的规定有关,通常不需要密码的交易都不能超过$100。 本帖最后由 妮南 于 20-10-2018 10:14 编辑
Unauthorized use of your account -- action required
Hello sharon.w,
We have reason to believe that your eBay account has been used fraudulently without your permission. We’ve reset your eBay password. If you had your PayPal account linked to your eBay account, we've disabled your PayPal link to protect your funds. Any unauthorised activity, such as buying or selling, has been cancelled and any associated fees have been credited to your account. Any listings that we removed are included toward the end of this email. We assure you that your financial information is securely stored on a server and cannot be seen by anyone.
Although we’ve taken steps to secure your eBay account, your personal email account or third-party listing tools may have also been accessed without your permission. Please change these passwords as soon as possible.
Once you’ve secured your personal email account and third-party listing tools, please change your eBay password, and reset your PayPal link (if applicable):
1. Select the "Sign in" link at the top of the eBay home page.
2. Select the "Forgot your password" link.
3. Enter your email or username, and then select the "Next" button.
4. Follow the instructions to change your password.
5. To relink your PayPal account (if desired), go to "My eBay" and click the "Account" tab.
6. Click the "PayPal Account" link on the left-hand side of the page.
7. Click the "Link My PayPal Account" button.
8. Log into PayPal to finish linking your accounts.
If you are an active seller and use PayPal to pay your fees, it's important that you reset your PayPal link before your next billing cycle to avoid any further disruption.
Once your password is changed, we recommend updating your secret questions and verifying that the contact information on your eBay account is correct. For detailed instructions, please visit:
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Please don't reply to this message. It was sent from an address that doesn't accept incoming email.
eBay Document ID: 50969331008
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Copyright © 2017 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc., 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125. 本帖最后由 妮南 于 20-10-2018 10:54 编辑
Seller来自中国,是seller本人还是别人盗用了seller账号欺骗不确定。事后我收到了那个tracking number 的邮件,不是图片上显示的实物,而是一只信封,里面二根头绳。令人哭笑不得。
要说,我自己后来也没有处理好,只是草率地在网上银行递交了Transaction dispute的申请,自己却没有跟进去将这笔款项追回来。也就不了了之了。
后来我在Ebay上购物还是使用Paypal,链接的是我的saving账号,一般来说会比较安全。若是出现了unauthorised paypal payment可以向paypal机构要求处理。 I would always use credit card instead of debit card. Credit card has better protection. freeozvisitor 发表于 20-10-2018 12:22
I would always use credit card instead of debit card. Credit card has better protection.
我没有credit card,只用debit Visa card . 我也感觉Credit Card更安全一些,因为提供的protection也更多。 妮南 发表于 20-10-2018 13:24
我没有credit card,只用debit Visa card .
Why not apply for one? You need credit history living in the west society... Anyone can get a credit card in the west, be it student or else, student is even easier to get a credit card. When you need a mortgage and/or car loan in the future, credit history is very important. The earlier you start your credit history, the better. You should probably learn a bit how the credit score works and plan ahead if you plan to stay in the west society for long term. Unless you never ever need to borrow money... credit card is better in every way than debit card, if you have the discipline to pay it off every month. Ebay上买东西用Paypal最好了,对买家很有保障。我觉得澳洲Ebay最保护买家利益了
freeozvisitor 发表于 20-10-2018 13:04
The earlier you start your credit history, the better. You should probably learn a bit how the credi ...
也许也是个人习惯问题我不想申请信用卡,觉得用途不大,支付日常账单都可以:bpay, direct debit, post office pay等方式,偶尔需要信用卡就用debit visa 代替,网购用PayPal 还是安全的。
应该是账号被盗了,建议重新注册一个。 kevin妈妈 发表于 20-10-2018 14:32
看标题还以为你被Ebay欺 ...
这个帐号我还在继续使用,地址是我的,有人盗用了我卡号信息。盗用者可能是seller,也可能是第3⃣方,seller 的信息也有可能被盗 老丁 发表于 20-10-2018 14:36
换了密码,换了支付方式,还在用,没问题。 妮南 发表于 20-10-2018 15:47
{:9_567:} 本帖最后由 妮南 于 20-10-2018 18:28 编辑
上面未说明在哪个卖家购买了iPhone ,也没有姓名和地址,只是提到PayPal 。我马上报告给PayPal 的安全部门,立即将银行账号取消与PayPal 链接。
风波过后我又重新在PayPal 上链接了银行账户。 妮南 发表于 20-10-2018 19:20
又一次发生在今年2月份,我收到一封不明邮件,上面未提到我的名字,邮件我已经删除了,一封PDF信件还在如图 ...
什么时候也不要随便点击那些链接,诈骗邮件、短信实在太多。我手机经常收到dominos发来的信息,我根本就没定过pizza kevin妈妈 发表于 20-10-2018 19:36
什么时候也不要随便点击那些链接,诈骗邮件、短信实在太多。我手机经常收到dominos发来的信息,我根本就 ...
诈骗邮件太多,确实要很小心。 也叫钓鱼邮件,千万不要点击不明邮件里面的链接 妮南 发表于 20-10-2018 15:33
你说的对,若有个人信用卡对于申请贷款更有利。不过澳洲银行也会有其它办法查看我的个人信用,比如有没有 ...
你需要了解一下信用分数的计算因素。比如加拿大的跟美国类似,信用卡的年龄历史及信用额度占不少比重(>1/3)。入乡随俗。你最好去拿一份你的信用报告及分数看看。信用的建立需要长期的计划。 另外比如,有些好的信用卡需要一定的信用分数(excellent) 以上才给,因为它们的reward level 远高于一般的卡,发卡银行基本不赚钱所以它要控制risk level。我现在能用信用卡付的所有日常花费都用信用卡。信用制度是西方社会的基石之一。 信用分数的不同也决定房东是否租房给你,或贷款利率的不同。 freeozvisitor 发表于 21-10-2018 00:52
你需要了解一下信用分数的计算因素。比如加拿大的跟美国类似,信用卡的年龄历史及信用额度占不少比重(> ...
关于信用卡的用途、利弊等可以另外开个帖子来讨论。 妮南 发表于 21-10-2018 02:41
不是。我没有别的ID 我个人观点,信用卡只要每月付清,没有任何弊处,反而好处不少。 本帖最后由 妮南 于 21-10-2018 06:43 编辑
freeozvisitor 发表于 21-10-2018 02:55
我是量入为出型,一直觉得信用卡对我来说没用,还怕哪一天消费没节制成了无底洞。我暂时没有再贷款的打算,贷款多少更取决于当时的收入和资产评估。 freeozvisitor 发表于 21-10-2018 02:53
不管是她不是她,谢谢你,身在加拿大还依然关心这个论坛。 freeozvisitor 发表于 21-10-2018 02:53