yearshappy 发表于 18-10-2018 18:45:18

Yale University 16科目基础课

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 14-12-2018 18:23 编辑

Yale University 基础课 , 有感兴趣的吗?

Cherry 帖子里 Earlgrey 提到的

我大概看了一文史类的, 每个课程有20-26多节不等,30-70分钟之内一节

anuo 发表于 18-10-2018 19:34:56


yearshappy 发表于 18-10-2018 19:50:50

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 26-10-2018 15:03 编辑

anuo 发表于 18-10-2018 19:34

好久不见诺儿啦 :handshake:happy:

我在下面贴中正做大纲出来, 这样也可以有针对地来听听课
#52, #53 & #54

MICHELLE07 发表于 20-10-2018 01:18:44

哈哈,反了,是Earlgrey 在 Cherry 帖里提到的

春浅 发表于 20-10-2018 09:58:08


mason00 发表于 21-10-2018 14:35:46

有一阵子open course很流行,各大名校都开了,现在好像都收起来了,新课程还是要收费的。

OZCherry 发表于 22-10-2018 16:39:22

本帖最后由 OZCherry 于 22-10-2018 17:41 编辑


Earlgrey的那个推荐我一直没有好好看呢,刚才点进去仔细看了,看到哲学类的Death的那个课,我之前在youtube里看了好几课了,特别喜欢,而且收益良多。课程里要求学生读柏拉图的《费多篇》,我也跟着找来了,只是我“广挖坑”的战略战术导致现在也没有看完。以后会跟着读完《费多篇》再来继续课程的。youtube其实是个不错的资源宝库,我已经在上面看了好几个公开课了(e.g. classical music, 佛教和西方哲学),搜索"open course"配合你感兴趣的领域,应该可以找到好的资源的。


mason00 发表于 22-10-2018 17:11:10


OZCherry 发表于 22-10-2018 17:42:39

mason00 发表于 22-10-2018 17:11
曾经看过几集这个系列,当中说古希腊怎么用方阵,盾矛打 ...

感谢分享,古希腊历史的,我有兴趣的topic啊, 回头看看去:good

yearshappy 发表于 24-10-2018 07:44:45

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 24-10-2018 07:46 编辑

mason00 发表于 21-10-2018 14:35
有一阵子open course很流行,各大名校都开了,现在好像都收起来了,新课程还是要收费的。

好像是这样,这次 幸亏Earlgrey 提醒,我要好好利用

yearshappy 发表于 26-10-2018 14:37:12

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 26-10-2018 14:39 编辑

OZCherry 发表于 22-10-2018 16:39

Earlgrey的那个推荐我一直没有好好看呢,刚 ...
:) I, too, visit frequently to YouTube
Here's the outline of Death

2007, Kagan, Shelly, Death

[*]- the nature of persons: dualism vs physicalism - arguments for the existence of the soul/Plato's phaedo/free will and near-death experiences/ immortality of the soul
[*] - personal identity (across space and time and the soul theory)/the body theory and the personality theory/objections to the personality theory/what matters?
[*]- the nature of death(believing you will die/dying alone:the badness of death/the deprivation account/immortality/the value of life/other bad aspects of death - fear of death
[*]- how to live given the certainty of death
[*]- suicide (the rationality of suicide/deciding under uncertainty/the morality of suicide)

大力Summer 发表于 26-10-2018 14:42:09

wow! 这个必须点赞啊!!

yearshappy 发表于 26-10-2018 15:00:13

本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 26-10-2018 15:16 编辑

OZCherry 发表于 22-10-2018 16:39

Earlgrey的那个推荐我一直没有好好看呢,刚 ...
I intend to look into 16 courses out of the whole.
The first round is to have a big picture (overview) of the 16, done already in another thread at #52, #53 & #54
The second round is to listen to the course recordings one by one while taking some notes. I'll show you my hand written notes via WeChat ( an easier way for me)

OZCherry 发表于 26-10-2018 15:24:08

yearshappy 发表于 26-10-2018 15:00
I intend to look into 16 courses out of the whole.
The first round is to have a big picture (over ...

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