中国大陆5年驾照能直接转NSW的Full C 驾照吗?
请教大家一个NSW驾照申请问题, 我有一个已过期的NSW P2 C 驾照, 因近十年一直在大陆生活。现计划回悉尼,不知能不能用大陆的驾照直接换NSW的Full C 驾照呢?我的意思是不再需要计算机驾驶知识考试,和上路的驾驶能力考试。直接换可以吗? 在网上看到有些人说能换, 但我看NSW RTA的网站,好像不行。
有谁知道,可否告知? 谢谢! 你应该可以 RENEW 你的 nsw p2 c牌,可能不需要重考,问路局人员
我在NSW RTA柜台上清楚听官员们解释过领取FULL LICENSE的条件,一是必须先有个澳洲境内合法驾照,绿P,或其他州的(我拿ACT驾照申请的)或者其他认可国家有效驾照;二是驾龄必须3年以上。 你这过期10年的了,肯定不允许直接RENEW。
RTA 网站:
Licence expired more than five years
If your licence has expired by more than five years, you'll need to pass eyesight, knowledge and driving tests for the class of licence that you previously held.
If you've passed the knowledge test but failed your first driving test on an expired licence, you'll need to apply for a learner licence, and meet all the requirements. If you can prove you held a licence in another Australian state or territory for the same class within the last five years, you may be exempt from the tests. See Moving to NSW for more information.
If you've held an overseas licence within the last five years, you may also be exempt from some tests, depending on the country. See Moving to NSW for more information. 谢谢,西澳海豚 ,kittyfo 。 看来是要再考试了。 skypig05 发表于 13-6-2017 16:06
谢谢,西澳海豚 ,kittyfo 。 看来是要再考试了。
如果不想考 可以考虑在国内换个香港的驾照,香港驾照在昆州可以直接换