想请教坛里的宝爸宝妈,孩子上了小学后,请问澳洲有没有硬规定孩子必须由家长接送呢?还是小学后孩子就可以步行回家了?如果有校车的话,是不是孩子就可以搭校车了,无须家长接送呢?谢谢大家。 能自己接送就自己接送吧这边的治安不是想象中这么好
我听到这个消息惊得一身冷汗 andrew1975 发表于 7-8-2016 16:04
治安确实。骗走娃的事情。。。。。。:funk::funk::funk::funk: 好的, 谢谢楼上的, 看来是要自己接送了, 土澳的教育系统就是幼儿园GOV 办的一周就是两天半, 其他全要自己掏钱上DAY CARE. 幼儿园小学下学又早, 无奈啊! peppercorn 发表于 7-8-2016 21:01
好的, 谢谢楼上的, 看来是要自己接送了, 土澳的教育系统就是幼儿园GOV 办的一周就是两天半, 其他全要自 ...
这个政府有明确规定的,13岁以下不允许孩子单独待家里,上下学需要接送 peppercorn 发表于 7-8-2016 21:01
好的, 谢谢楼上的, 看来是要自己接送了, 土澳的教育系统就是幼儿园GOV 办的一周就是两天半, 其他全要自 ...
你如果上班没时间接送,那就只能上before n after school care了 是这样的,谢谢楼上的。 andrew1975 发表于 6-8-2016 20:04
太可怕了!能够住好学区的一般家境都不错,容易成为坏人的目标!家长要守望相助,希望在悲剧发生前把坏人捉到! 太可怕了!能够住好学区的一般家境都不错,容易成为坏人的目标!家长要守望相助,希望在悲剧发生前把坏人捉到! channel1016 发表于 7-8-2016 01:34
Western Australia
There is no specific law that states at what age you can leave children alone, but the law is clear about the responsibility of parents to look after their children:
Parents are expected to provide food, clothing, a place to live, safety and supervision. (Family Law Act 1975; Family Court Act (WA) 1997)
Parents can be charged with an offence if they neglect their child and do not provide the necessities of life for their child under 16 years. (Criminal Code 1913)
Parents can be charged for failing to protect their child from significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect. (Children and Community Services Act 2004)
The Western Australia Police or the Department for Child Protection can take a child into provisional protection and care if they suspect there is an immediate and substantial risk to the child’s wellbeing. (Children and Community Services Act 2004)
The Western Australia Police or a Departmental Child Protection Worker can move a child to a safe place if the child is unaccompanied by a responsible adult and there is a risk to the child’s wellbeing. (Children and Community Services Act 2004)
Parents can be charged with an offence if they leave a child unsupervised in a motor vehicle or the child is likely to become emotionally distressed or their health might be impaired. (Children and Community Services Act 2004)
When a person under the age of 18 years – for example, an older brother, sister or teenage friend – cares forchildren, the question of negligence or liability could arise. As a parent you might be held responsible for the carer, as well as your own children, if something goes wrong. A carer who is still legally a child – that is, under 18 years – would not be judged against the standards of responsibility expected of adults. WombatFly 发表于 7-8-2016 23:13
Western Australia
There is no specific law that states at what age you can leave children alone ...
我同事是单亲妈妈,儿子12岁的时候他放学自己回家在家。警察发现后,直接带着她儿子来到我们单位,告诉她13岁以下不能单独上下学,不能单独留在家。这是第一次被发现,就给她个警告,他们会keep an eye on her,再有一次,就直接把孩子交给DCP了,她就有大麻烦 channel1016 发表于 7-8-2016 13:49
我同事是单亲妈妈,儿子12岁的时候他放学自己回家在家。警察发现后,直接带着她儿子来到我们单位,告诉她 ...
其实就走路回家吧?只要好好教孩子要远离陌生人,小心过马路,别说12岁,我想8岁以上也有足够能力应付了吧? !澳洲政府应让做,不单止是对儿童过份保护,而且严重加重双职父母和单亲父母的经济压力和工作量呀,真令人头痛! 赞同楼上的,土澳教育福利越来越差,的确是加重双职父母负担