Home security
本帖最后由 DDD888 于 18-7-2016 14:23 编辑My wife told me that our neighbor got thief stole laptops, ipad last week.
I am thinking about how to stop thief to take items from our home.
The idea is if there is people in the house, we don't need to worry about thief. But if no one is at home, it might have the chance to get thief.
My current idea is to buy this item.
This way if we are not at home, if the thief enters into the view of camera, the photos will be emailed to our phones. The question is what to do next? Shall we call the police 111, what about the police not coming to my house? Shall I install alarm which we can trigger remote to warn the thief and alert neighbor to get help? Right. CLOUD CAMERA will do. I bought a XiaoMi Camera through TB. Unfortunately, it does not work outside Mainland China. catfelix 发表于 18-7-2016 12:39
I bought a XiaoMi Camera through TB. Unfortunately, it does not work outside Mainland China.
我们也买了小米,一开始用不了,后来调试了好多次终于成功了 wood.sun 发表于 18-7-2016 14:58
刷了N遍那个HOME 文件了,放弃了,从最初是提示只能在中国地区使用,现在老是提示“WIFI密码错误”,连不上:Q:Q:Q wood.sun 发表于 18-7-2016 14:58
刷了N遍那个HOME 文件了,放弃了,从最初是提示只能在中国地区使用,现在老是提示“WIFI密码错误”,连不上:Q:Q:Q wood.sun 发表于 18-7-2016 14:58
据说是2016年4月份以后加了硬件锁了,靠刷软件行不通了 catfelix 发表于 18-7-2016 14:37
Right. CLOUD CAMERA will do.
你是如何解决人在外,如果发现小偷在家的问题的?如果你不能立刻赶回家中抓小偷? 手机可以实时查看呀,还可以报警,还有通过麦克风/扬声器警告小偷 catfelix 发表于 18-7-2016 18:23
如果通过麦克风/扬声器警告小偷,不是显示了你的camera的位置?小偷可以将camera破坏,你如何应对? 1. 最起码你能记录下小偷的相貌,提供给警方,说不定还是个惯偷,也偷过其它人家的。报的案子多了,可能比单独的案子更能优先处理(我瞎猜的)
2. 其实很多时候并不能指望有什么实质性的作用,更多的是为了终止犯罪。小偷大部分只是为了求财,哪个容易就找哪个下手。一旦暴露,正常人的反应估计是及时收手,去找下一家能得手的。就好像重大犯罪如绑架杀人之类的,很多时候为什么要一路响着警铃开警灯,不是大张旗鼓打草惊蛇么,其实最重要的不是为了能一把捉住罪犯,而是让他们立即停止可能对受害人进行的伤害。
3. 如果真的有小偷报复,破坏camera,那只能说太倒霉了。
都是我瞎猜的,不对轻拍。 1. 装前院fence
2. 装 roller shutter
3. Security camera是消极防卫手段,作用不是很大,现在很多青少年犯罪根本不怕被人看到,摄像头能起的作用就有限了 sinbad 发表于 18-7-2016 22:33
1. 装前院fence
2. 装 roller shutter
3. Security camera是消极防卫手段,作用不是很大,现在很多青少年 ...
May I ask now fence and roller shutter can help defend thief?
My neighbor has a gate and never got used. There is a switch just near the gate to open the gate. We share the fence and the fence just around 1 meter high and it is so easy to get over the fence to open the door.
I imagine if the fence is four meters high and it won't stop the thief.:loveliness: DDD888 发表于 20-7-2016 06:36
May I ask now fence and roller shutter can help defend thief?
My neighbor has a gate and never...
be aware of @guangyang !:lol@chubbycat dcxg 发表于 20-7-2016 06:44
be aware of @guangyang !@chubbycat
I don't understand what you said. Would you please clarify? Thanks in advance @周星星1832 please clarify :o;P;P chubbycat 发表于 20-7-2016 07:22
@周星星1832 please clarify
:ppb_39 DDD888 发表于 20-7-2016 06:47
I don't understand what you said. Would you please clarify? Thanks in advance
情商真的堪忧啊! 破无线的摄像头哥也有,dlink,tnnd,刚刚坏掉!:lol 或者买了dummy camera,就装装样子安在屋檐底下,小偷一眼就能看到的那种;P
dcxg 发表于 21-7-2016 06:46
We select the same brand:loveliness: 养狗 语之玫瑰 发表于 21-7-2016 13:14
还得养条恶狗;P dcxg 发表于 22-7-2016 06:50
我打算拉布拉多和德牧里面选一个 本帖最后由 DDD888 于 22-7-2016 11:17 编辑
语之玫瑰 发表于 21-7-2016 13:14
There is license fee and injection to pay every year for the dog. And you need to feed the dog which cost a fortune too.
It is so easy for the thief to get around the dog as security as all they need to do is to feed the dog with poisonous food which already demonstrated in the movies. DDD888 发表于 22-7-2016 11:15
There is license fee and injection to pay every year for the dog. And you need to feed the dog w ...
语之玫瑰 发表于 22-7-2016 12:04
最后如果那个高能的贼瞄准你家 ...
As you mentioned about treating the dog as family member, if you don't mind me to tell you the truth, if the dog is sick and going to die, the sadness is quite big to your family. DDD888 发表于 22-7-2016 13:57
As you mentioned about treating the dog as family member, if you don't mind me to tell you the tru ...
本帖最后由 QWERTYASDFG 于 22-7-2016 15:28 编辑