澳洲召回五万辆 JEEP
JEEP正在澳大利亞召回將近50,000輛汽車,因為這些汽車當把自動擋調至“P檔”停車的時候,竟然能自己溜走 -造成本週《星際迷航》演員安東·葉爾金在美國被自己的Jeep大切諾基壓死。
澳大利亞政府在官方 recalls.gov.au 網站上發出警告說: “(Jeep)車可能會自己溜走,傷及司機,乘客或路人”。
Jeep澳大利亞公司表示,目前還沒有在澳大利亞境內出現過的“溜車”事故報告。 jeep太牛了 网路不乏 " I got (bought) a Jeep " 的恶搞影片~~
5sVmoOZRypk 停车居然不拉手刹? 停车拉手刹,是从第一堂学车课程就要养成的好习惯!:good
Product description
2014 - 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee
2012 - 2014 Chrysler 300
What are the defects?
Drivers may inadvertently fail to engage the “PARK” position before exiting the vehicle.
If the engine is left running, the “PARK” position is not engaged and the “PARK BRAKE” is not applied prior to the driver exiting the vehicle, the vehicle may roll away striking and injuring the driver, passenger or bystanders.
Overview of the electronic shift lever
The electronic shift lever (Figure A) in the affected vehicles does not move like a conventional T shifter (Figure B). The electronic shift lever is spring loaded and always returns to the same center position like a joystick after the desired gear is selected.
What are the hazards?
The vehicle may roll away striking and injuring the driver, passenger or bystanders.
Where the product was sold
Traders who sold this product
Authorised Chrysler Jeep Dodge dealerships.
FCA Australia Pty Ltd
What should consumers do?
FCA Australia will notify vehicle owners who can take their vehicle to a Chrysler Jeep Dodge dealership whereby the vehicle will have work conducted to safe guard against the possibility that the vehicle is not properly put into the “PARK” position. 西澳海豚 发表于 28-6-2016 13:24
作为一个TRADESMAN也一样,不是每一个有执照的TRADESMAN 或TRADESWOMAN,能够在工作中严格按规范来操作。
从汽车出现至今有一百三十多年的历史,如何操作汽车,人类已经整理出来的一套严谨的操作规程,就是各国对本国驾驶员的基本要求。所有不按规程的操作,都是一种偷工减料的行为,只是代价有时会大到让你没有机会后悔。愿逝者安息,愿生者能吸取教训。 :):):):):):):) 发动机劲太大,光挂P档是有可能拉不住的,特别是陡坡停车。以前在国内学车,老教练说,陡坡停车拉了手刹,前轮往路边打一把,不放心还要在轮子前或后放砖头。