我的186已分到签证官了,让我补材料,一个是体检材料,一个是澳洲的无犯罪记录。。其他的都没要求。我看到论坛很多兄弟提到什么贝雕,还有补好多材料,我怎么没这个要求?现在也需要澳洲的无犯罪记录吗? 让你补啥就补啥呗,多叨叨也没什么帮助 一定要有,官网的checklist上就有说明。在警察局网站上就能申请证明,只是要花钱,我不记得多少钱了。 政府网站上是这么说的:
Character requirement
Police checks for you and everyone included in your application, whether they are migrating or not, who is at least 16 years of age. When required, you must provide a scanned colour copy:
o of an Australian national police check for anyone who has spent a total of 12 months or more in Australia since turning 16 years of age
o of police certificates from each country in which anyone in your application has spent a total of 12 months or more in the past 10 years since turning 16 years of age.
If you or anyone included in the application has served in the armed forces of any country, a certified scanned colour copy of military service record or discharge papers.
Weiyouqingche 发表于 19-5-2016 15:57
还有,分到签证官以后,就要我补充一个这个无犯罪证明,然后体检,其他的就啥也没要了。。。有这么顺利吗?? 还是说后面还会不停的要材料啊? jerrymayi 发表于 19-5-2016 19:34
还有,分到签证官以后,就要我 ...
我只补了一次材料,而且只是工作合同而已。据说一般就被要求补一次,极个别的会被要求两次或更多。 Weiyouqingche 发表于 20-5-2016 12:46
好,多谢! Weiyouqingche 发表于 20-5-2016 12:46
好,多谢! 不会吧,如果需要补材料,一般一次就会说都需要补啥。加油,你的好快啊