我做代购也好,做什么也好,这些都不重要,重要的是我过去过的开心,我现在情况比dcxg说的好点,澳洲工作没 ...
很好,很经拍:yct_4 pud 发表于 18-5-2016 05:13
我做代购也好,做什么也好,这些都不重要,重要的是我过去过的开心,我现在情况比dcxg说的好点,澳洲工作没 ...
先开公司,是国人的通病,你不了解澳洲社会,王八朝的思维需要转变!;P 楼主有毅力,没方法
这种毅力不值得提倡 dcxg 发表于 17-5-2016 12:20
@周星星1832先做代购 :dao dcxg 发表于 17-5-2016 07:31
你就使劲的鄙视我吧!who cares!
Nobody cares you!
只是觉得你恶心而已!~ 好像自己很行, 其实你什么都不是,只是得不到关注,到处找抽的可怜虫而已。。。。
dcxg 发表于 17-5-2016 07:31
你就使劲的鄙视我吧!who cares!
Nobody cares you!
只是觉得你恶心而已!~ 好像自己很行, 其实你什么都不是,只是得不到关注,到处找抽的可怜虫而已。。。。
dcxg 发表于 17-5-2016 07:31
你就使劲的鄙视我吧!who cares!
Nobody cares you!
只是觉得你恶心而已!~ 好像自己很行, 其实你什么都不是,只是过时条得不到关注,到处找抽的可怜虫而已。。。。
Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governmentsrather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
People have different views about the question that governments or private companies should be responsible for carriing or controlling scientific research,?Personally, I believe that the answer for this question is really depends on what kinds of research we are talking about.
On the one hand, it can be argued that some researches should be conducted and controlled because of profit and security reasons. From the profit perspective, these researches that need long term investment may need to be conducted by the state. The reason for this is that many private companies are profit maker, they do not want to invest money to one research constantly without getting profit. One the security level, various researches should be controlled by the governments, these researches like space or weapon researches which could lead to distarious result if they are out of control.
On the other hand some would argue that the role of the government is making regulations and laws but doing this researchs. The politications have the power to controll or even ban the dangerous research. If the government can make the law strictly, The safty could be guaranteed.Besides there are a large number of companies which are doing research independently without having any trouble.if the government has to spend a large amount of money in doing these research, the money for the public and education will be infulenced.
In conclusion. I belive that some researches should be conducted and controlled by the governmet,however, it would be better for the private companies to do another researches in other areas
Dear Leo, I have tried to download your document and make some comments and changes to it, but I cannot.Is it written and sent as a Word document?If not, please send as a Word document again.
There are some things immediately that I will mention.First, you should write at least as many words as it says, 150 or 250. Do not write fewer words.Points are taken off for too few words, but not for too many.
Second,If the question asks, "To what extent to you agree or disagree?", you should choose a side (agree or disagree) and then tell how strongly you agree or disagree with this opinion.It's not as good to sit on both sides of the fence and argue for both sides.
Third, the phrases, "On the one hand" and "on the other hand" are overused.Try to find some other phrases that indicate the logic that you feel comfortable using.
Fourth, before you begin writing, make a short and simple outline of the points you want to make.This will help you stay organized.However, actually, your organization is pretty good.
I would edit some language if you could send it again.I hope this is some help.
Yours, Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
People have different views about the question whether governments or private companies should be responsible for carrying out or controlling scientific research, Personally, I believe that the answer to this question really depends on what kinds of research we are talking about.
First, it can be argued that some research should be conducted and controlled by governments because of profit reasons.From this perspective, these kinds of research, that need long term investment, may need to be conducted by the state. The reason for this is that private companies are geared to make profits and they do not want to invest money into research without realizing profit.
In the area of security, some research should be controlled by governments.Theseresearchareas, like space or weapons research, could lead to disastrous results if they get out of control.
On the other hand some would argue that the role of the government is making regulations and laws but not being involved in research. Politicians should have the power to control, or even ban, dangerous research. If governments can strictly enforce laws, safety can be guaranteed.
At the present time there are a large number of companies doing research independently without any trouble.if governments have to spend a large amount of money doing research, money for other public benefits and education will be influenced.
In conclusion, I believe that some research should be conducted and controlled by the government, however, it would be better for private companies to do other research in other areas.
I think it would be better if you chose one side and then made an argument for the extent of your opinion.
这是另外一个前考官点评的,希望对大家有用。谢谢 SusanChen 发表于 19-5-2016 00:10
Nobody cares you!
只是觉得你恶心而已!~ 好像自己很行, 其实你什么都不是,只是得不到关注,到处找 ...
大家都是成年人,你要找个树洞 ,不是在论坛唧唧歪歪,公共场合
你雅思考了几年啊;P 都特么21世纪啦
要有听到反面意见的觉悟!反思吧,孩子们;P 倒霉孩子,真心让我生气;P SusanChen 发表于 18-5-2016 06:11
Nobody cares you!
只是觉得你恶心而已!~ 好像自己很行, 其实你什么都不是,只是过时条得不到关注, ...
@雅瑶冬月 @Serin @jc2602 @愚夫 @蓝山夜妖 @8戒@Samuel_ChenSJ @shanzee @moroker @熊猫阿三 @chu4 @ArBen @fzds @littleharry @Lopemann@sjtuyan @周星星1832@yeats_only @don@我爱猫眯@李天真 dcxg 发表于 18-5-2016 11:57
你写个帖子挺吸引眼球的,哥特么的不容易的钻进来,没看下去,填了半天堵,哥特么的发个 ...
@周星星1832雅思考了6年 特么的说我恶心!:@
dcxg 发表于 18-5-2016 13:05
@周星星1832 @李天真 @蓝山夜妖 @chu4 dcxg 求安慰! :kiss: 居然没有安慰!:@ 要想点赞,有微信!
论坛不是你们呆的地方的啊 @chubbycat 哥说的很有道理的吧?:kiss: dcxg 说的很有道理 :zan:qiang
dcxg 发表于 19-5-2016 12:10
dcxg 求安慰!!! :support::hug:
@雅瑶冬月 @Serin @jc2602 @愚夫 @蓝山夜妖 @8戒@Samuel_ChenSJ @shanzee @moroker @熊猫阿三 @chu4 @ArBen @fzds @littleharry @Lopemann@sjtuyan @dcxg @周星星1832@yeats_only @don@我爱猫眯@李天真 @guangyang chubbycat 发表于 20-5-2016 06:18
dcxg 说的很有道理
你妹妹的,太阳打特么的西边出来:yct_4 dcxg 发表于 19-5-2016 12:20
:@:@:@ 你妹是周星星 下面贴一篇前考官帮我写的询问信Dear Sir / Madam,I am writing on behalf of a Chinese friend who is in the process of collecting the necessary documentation to have his qualifications and experience assessed by SSSI as part of the Australian skilled migration process.I have a question about the checklist in the PDF document: "Information form for Assessment of Professional Qualifications". Everything on the checklist seems clear, apart from one item: "Your professional references". This item does not seem to appear on the other list of required documentation which appears earlier in the same PDF. I'm assuming that "Your professional references" is actually the same thing as "At least two written references from employers, members of the profession or, if you are self-employed, from two professional colleagues – plus all referee contact details;", but I would be very grateful if you could clarify the meaning of "Your professional references", in case my friend and I have missed something that needs to be included in his application.Best regards,Dave High