推荐信的要求官网上是这样写的:Employment references must meet the following requirements:
be written on the official letterhead of the company or government department providing the reference;
the letterhead should indicate clearly the full address of the company and any telephone, fax numbers, e-mail and website addresses;
the name and position of the person authorised to sign the employment reference should be typed or stamped below that person’s signature;
the contact telephone number of the person writing the reference should be included in the letter;
the letter should indicate the exact period of employment (including whether permanent or temporary, full or part-time), position(s) held, the duties undertaken and the salary earned - positions should not be described by generic titles (eg. research officer, public servant) but according to the nature of the duties undertaken (eg. research chemist, accounts clerk); and
a payslip from your current employment should also be included – this is especially important from applicants working in government departments.
还有,多个单位的推荐信使用同一模板有没有问题?移民局会不户觉得是我自己编造的?还是只要保证内容真实就行了? 这个问题我也想过。但是做职业评估的时候本身就需要提供推荐信,官方提供了模版。 我就是找前单位的信纸,或者网上搜一下,然后自己做个WORD文件的head / foot,没问题。
btw, 13次雅思,13次雅思,13次雅思!终7炸!膜拜ing。。。 daniel_ 发表于 24-9-2015 13:19
我就是找前单位的信纸,或者网上搜一下,然后自己做个WORD文件的head / foot,没问题。
btw, 13次雅思, ...
每个单位推荐信格式类似有没有问题? halleybachelor 发表于 24-9-2015 15:45