楼主 EOI 被捞,申请已提交,申请费已付,但是文档都还没上传。官网上有这么一句:all documents you provide must be certified copies of original documents.
我的问题是,可不可以像 ACS 那样,让当警察或者律师的朋友帮忙认证下呢? 可以省不少时间精力金钱...
另外,像出生公证和无犯罪记录公证这种本身就是公证过的文件,是否还需要再弄成certified copy呢? 公证过的不要再certify,直接彩色扫描上传。
移民局比较乱,我记得adelaide的team发来的pdf文件里说他们接受彩色扫描的文档,言外之意是不强制certify (这只是我的印象,我懒得再去翻原话了)。我好多不那么关键的文件,比如结婚证,身份证(这个可有可无),完税证明,都是彩色扫描,加上自己的翻译,没有certify或公证。
Employment reference,自己写得英文版,找相关公司的人签字(有的盖章了,有的没盖),然后找了一位律师certify. 因为这种东西去公证处的话,麻烦到死。
仅供参考! 本帖最后由 怕瓦落地啊 于 1-9-2015 12:41 编辑
yangtze_yankee 发表于 1-9-2015 12:23
移民局比较乱,我记得adelaide的team发来的pdf文件里说他们 ...
好的,非常感谢! 我就是 SA 的190 。 另外请问CADGEC 是什么? 昨天写了封信去问上海的领事馆,答复如下:
Please kindly refer to the below request of certifiy requirement of application which lodge in China, we are not able to confirm whether it also applies to subclass 190 as it is not processed in China. Please contact the processing office (Adelaide General Skilled Migration (GSM) processing centre) for further assistance.
Subclass 190: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/190-
If application lodge in China:
A document issued by Chinese authority notarised in local municipal notarise office(市级公证处), a translation copy should be accompanied with the notarised copy.
A document issued by Australian authority: contact the Civil Affair Office in the closest embassy/consulate of Australia, see http://china.embassy.gov.au/bjng/Consular4_1.html
A document issued by other goverment authority: contact the relevant embassy/consulate for further assistance.
For more information, please refer to our website, www.australiavisa-china.com or call our helpline. Calling from Mainland China: 020-29106150, calling from overseas (outside Mainland China): 0086-20-29106150, between 08:00 to 17:00 , Monday to Friday.
VFS Australia Visa Service Desk
就是说还是要我去问阿德莱德Skilled Migration Center。。 本帖最后由 yangtze_yankee 于 6-9-2015 16:28 编辑
怕瓦落地啊 发表于 1-9-2015 10:37
好的,非常感谢! 我就是 SA 的190 。 另外请问CADGEC 是什么?
CADGEC就是原来的清华认证,现在的学位认证 http://www.chinadegrees.cn/cqva/gateway.html 比较简单。