好机会错过不再有 ........... 免费指点 英文学习
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 5-6-2015 15:18 编辑..........
主要改作文吗? 帮顶!:zan:zan:zan esilkroad 发表于 3-6-2015 13:08
作文是一定的,还有任何句子,哪怕一两句话,一小段文等, 主要是纠正遣词造句上的不地道英语 需要writing 和 speaking
listening最差 5而已:Q
顶。我正愁英语的事情呢。我需要提高口语。请发给我联系方式吧。感谢!!!! 正在备考雅思中,需要指点迷津。请不吝赐教,谢谢哈!!:loveliness::loveliness::loveliness::loveliness::loveliness: 我也希望提高英语水平,请发给我联系方式,谢谢 :lol Happy Learning everyone! 求指导~~~求版主分享一下联系方式 我也需要,很感兴趣
我需要,谢谢! 顶一下。 谢谢版主,这几个英国人怎么这么好心呢:loveliness: 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 5-6-2015 15:19 编辑
wyjscdc 发表于 4-6-2015 14:32
..... yearshappy 发表于 4-6-2015 16:54
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
I'd say it's a win-win project.
真棒:good:good 好棒,求联系方式 yearshappy 发表于 4-6-2015 16:54
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
I'd say it's a win-win project.
既然是免费,为什么是a win-win project 呢?不太明白啊
请教联系方式 多谢! wyjscdc 发表于 4-6-2015 22:25
既然是免费,为什么是a win-win project 呢?不太明白啊
请教联系方式 多谢!
They'll amend and modify your copy (your response to a given topic) so to make your English sound more natural and native.
Their intention is to get to know Chinese people and to better understand how we Chinese think about the world.
This is just what I need. I'm desperate for contacts of such native speakers. halleybachelor 发表于 5-6-2015 00:21
This is just what I need. I'm desperate for contacts of such native speakers.
:) desperate ? In this case it's such a great thing to see.
You'll no doubt make something happen. :oil 下周末雅思考试,楼主你的消息太及时了,正愁没有人给我改雅思作文呢,他们能按雅思给分吗? yearshappy 发表于 5-6-2015 09:02
desperate ? In this case it's such a great thing to see.
You'll no doubt make something happen ...
楼主,我在等你回复哈! 在线等回复:):):) 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 5-6-2015 13:39 编辑
elliesdream 发表于 5-6-2015 11:30
Probably not elliesdream, they have their own priority and this project is unfortunately not in it, especially at this moments of the year. They''ll have more time over the summer (China's time).
Having said that, it doesn't cost you anything to ask them for. :)
Please be clever and with a great manner when you deal with people other than our own Chinese.
The thread is manually closed by Yearshappy. ....... yearshappy 发表于 5-6-2015 12:46
那现在可以帮忙修改作文吗》? 谢谢楼主! 可不可以建个群啊,大家定期讨论