Zis76_2mm 发表于 26-5-2015 12:48:51


本帖最后由 Zis76_2mm 于 26-5-2015 11:48 编辑

我2000年时工程力学专业毕业,自2003年进研究生起至今做的都是机械设计(液压元件设计)的工作,申请评估职业为Mechanical Engineer,CDR也是照此写的,但是信中EA Assessor认为我的学位不符合Mechanical Engineer而符合Structure Engineer的要求,建议我修改申请评估职业为Structure Engineer并且重写CDR,我把这一段原文写在下面了.

1. 如果我照assessor的建议改变申请评估职业,那日后申请移民的时候移民局会不会认为我的工作经历和声明的职业不符合而拒绝我的申请?
2. 如果我照assessor的建议重写CDR,可是我近十年的实际工作经历和这个职业不符合,会不会导致EA评估失败?
2. 我可不可以发邮件劝说assessor按照Mechanical Engineer继续审理我的评估要求而不重新提交CDR?如果可以,需要列什么样的原因?


“I note that you had nominated the occupation Mechanical Engineer in the Professional Engineer category. Your academic qualifications do not support an assessment outcome of Mechanical Engineer, but rather Structure Engineer. In this regard, the following two potential assessment outcomes are presented for your consideration:

1. An assessment outcome of Engineering Technologist (ANZSCO No 233914)
2. An assessment outcome of Structural Engineer (ANZSCO No 233214). But, should you wish to seek recognition as a Professional Structural Engineer you may resubmit two completely new career episodes clearly demonstrating how you have applied your knowledge and skills in structural engineering with a new Summary Statement.

Please review and consider the two assessment outcomes identified above and identify a preference by e-mail.”

sylar_yu 发表于 26-5-2015 14:30:31

1. 不了解两个职业的区别。 但是如果差距大的话,那拒绝你是可能的
2. 如果EA不需要最少年限来证明skilled exp的话,应该不会评估失败 (ACS要求最低xx年相关经验用来扣除。)
3. 劝说估计很难。。

happycory 发表于 26-5-2015 15:18:04

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查看完整版本: EA评估问题请教!急!