NSW 190 申请统计(Feb 2015 intake)及更新进度分享
本帖最后由 puresky911 于 3-3-2015 16:30 编辑时间已经到了NSW官网说的FEB月底了还没消息,查了各大网站也都没有看到有确切哪位收到申请邀请email的消息。希望论坛里有收到申请邀请的同仁在此跟大家交流交流。
下面是我在Expatforum上看到印度人于2月最后一个工作日邮件咨询NSW Trade & Investment收到的回复:
Hi Guys,
See the reply from NSW to my email query below. Hope this will clarify most of the things
Dear XXX,
Thank you for your migration enquiry through the NSW Trade & Investment website.
NSW will be sourcing and selecting candidates who have submitted an Expression of Interest (EOI) in SkillSelect and indicated that they wish to be considered for NSW nomination for a 190 visa. We are aiming to begin selections in the next couple of weeks and will continue until the end of June. You will only receive correspondence from us if you are selected.
The selection process will be competitive. NSW will rank candidates based on core criteria which is: firstly, a candidate's DIBP points score, then their English ability, and then their skilled employment. Where candidates score the same on these core criteria at time of selection, they will be further ranked based on the date and time that their EOI was submitted in SkillSelect.
The top-ranking candidates will be the first to be invited to apply and NSW will determine how many invitations are issued on an ongoing basis.
If you are not successful in this intake then you may be eligible for subsequent intakes providing that your EOI is still active and you still meet NSW eligibility criteria. NSW Migration Services will not be providing updates on individual candidate's EOIs and/or ranking.
We will release more detailed information about the NSW Skilled Nominated 190 program on our website this month. This will include answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Thank you for your interest in migrating to NSW.
Kind regards,
on behalf of the Customer Service Team
=========================================== We will release more detailed information about the NSW Skilled Nominated 190 program on our website this month. This will include answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
话说今天已经是the last day of this month啦,官网有更新么? 等得心都碎了:L sophienk 发表于 28-2-2015 20:00
We will release more detailed information about the NSW Skilled Nominated 190 program on our website ...
官网依然没有任何更新,从“will continue until the end of June”猜测,NSW此次可能会对candidates一个个按筛选优先级发出申请邀请,一直持续到六月——而不是一次性发完2000个名额。期待有高分移友收到NSW申请邮件后来分享下信息。 楼主,我建议更改一下帖子的名称,以吸引更多的人关注,如NSW190 (Feb 2015)州担保申请筛选进度统计及分享,等等,总之要醒目,能引人注意,然后大家可以公布一下自己的EOI分数,雅思成绩,职业代码,职业年龄,EOI提交时间,及被选中的日期等,这样大家可以有个参考。Google曾有签证进度的分享,但上google不是很方便。
NSW会邀请60分或更高的人吗?理论上应该邀请,但邀请人家多半不会接受,因为有这三个月时间早被189邀请走了。 boris2002 发表于 3-3-2015 09:08
NSW会邀请60分或更高的人吗?理论上应该邀请,但邀请人家多半不会接受,因为有这三 ...
我也觉得,除非他的职业是在SOL2里面的,一定要有一个州政府担保吧。。。 fredma0913 发表于 2-3-2015 23:04
楼主,我建议更改一下帖子的名称,以吸引更多的人关注,如NSW190 (Feb 2015)州担保申请筛选进度统计及分 ...
好建议——你说的对,关于此次NSW 190申请其实google上已经有全球申请者网友的部分统计排名了,我将它转到这里。至于这张表格,我也开得不是很懂,里面大概已登记了两三百人——敬待大家解读、跟进。 今天3月3日,又看到有人收到NSW官方的回复邮件:
On 3 March 2015 at 12:43, <xxxx> wrote:
Will you start nomination in this march month?
Dear xxxx,
As stated in our previous correspondence to you, there are no specific dates to expect an invitation.* Selection is an ongoing process whereby invitations are being issued continually through to the end of June 2015.* Continue to check your emails regularly over the coming months, and remember that it is still very early in the selection period, so not receiving an invitation at the start of the period does not mean that you won't receive one later throughout the selection period (ie.. through to the end of June) if you are successful.
Kind regards
================================================================== puresky911 发表于 3-3-2015 16:19
好建议——你说的对,关于此次NSW 190申请其实google上已经有全球申请者网友的部分统计排名了,我将它转 ...
应该转发原始google doc地址。
不过大部分人应该是不会在这里登记吧。弄不好有几万人排55分的队了。 puresky911 发表于 3-3-2015 16:19
好建议——你说的对,关于此次NSW 190申请其实google上已经有全球申请者网友的部分统计排名了,我将它转 ...
楼主,能否把链接发一下?谢谢。 puresky911 发表于 3-3-2015 16:19
好建议——你说的对,关于此次NSW 190申请其实google上已经有全球申请者网友的部分统计排名了,我将它转 ...
http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_142547045029918&key=e82e5683cdb9805c1ad94f2c46ac9142&libId=i6uo3nk90100nhl2000DA9yh2nzuc&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.expatforum.com%2Fexpats%2Faustralia-expat-forum-expats-living-australia%2F657833-nsw-state-sponsorship_feb-2015-a-79.html&v=1&out=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F1bsefFBCvRSAN6FDSqbv640WMiRHuLgFqLoTlMcSa4nw%2Fedit%23gid%3D0&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.expatforum.com%2Fexpats%2Faustralia-expat-forum-expats-living-australia%2F657833-nsw-state-sponsorship_feb-2015-a-80.html&title=NSW%20State%20Sponsorship_FEB%202015%20-%20Page%2079&txt=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets...4nw%2Fedit%23gid%3D0 楼上的弟兄试试这个。。。
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bsefFBCvRSAN6FDSqhttp://goo.gl/JLZUIUbv640WMiRHuLgFqLoTlMcSa4nw/edit?usp=sharing fredma0913 发表于 4-3-2015 22:44
用VPN能上google以后就可以打开 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bsefFBCvRSAN6FDSqhttp://goo.gl/JLZUIUbv640WMiRHuLgFqLoTlMcSa4nw/edit?usp=sharing puresky911 发表于 5-3-2015 12:16
谢谢,我登录上去了,把自己的信息已录入了一下,在88位ICT中排队41位:( NSW洲担保,只需在EOI里等着被捞就行吧~~被捞之后再去NSW官网上去填申请对吧?看着官网是这样写的~~ 大地宝儿 发表于 6-3-2015 13:08
是的,就是等 这下好了,都干等着了,一颗心就吊到六月吧。NSW倒是省事了,没有schedule,想拖就拖了 为什么表格里的雅思是minimum band score 不是overallNSW有明确是以最低分排名的吗 acahuo 发表于 7-3-2015 13:26
为什么表格里的雅思是minimum band score 不是overallNSW有明确是以最低分排名的吗
说对了,我收到NSW邮件咨询回复,其提及“the score you must enter is the lowest score you received of all 4 testing areas, i.e. 6 in your case” puresky911 发表于 9-3-2015 12:28
说对了,我收到NSW邮件咨询回复,其提及“the score you must enter is the lowest score you received o ...
本帖最后由 puresky911 于 10-3-2015 12:34 编辑
fredma0913 发表于 9-3-2015 23:38
我猜想NSW会按照对照表确定申请人的英语属于Voca ...
DIBP按Competent,Proficient分更合理些,对他们来说也更省事儿些。这样,大部分雅思没有四个7的就在同一水平线上比工作经验优势了。 puresky911 发表于 5-3-2015 12:16
刚刚上Google Doc看了一下,两位在15年1月和2月提交EOI的ICT,分别在3月9日和10收到NSW邀请,
总分55分,雅思4*7, 工作经验3年,在ICT列表中排第6,7!希望是真的!!!! 阿三论坛上毫无消息,这个文档是阿三论坛上维护的,如果有邀请,不可能一周多了消息都没有传开吧 askaboy 发表于 18-3-2015 00:16
fredma0913 发表于 18-3-2015 00:22
昨天我上去看过,但没有收到邀请的信息,也就是说受邀信息,今天才更 ...
是在common sheet上看到的吗?我怎么没有看到有收到邀请的信息呢? askaboy 发表于 18-3-2015 00:34
是在common sheet上看到的吗?我怎么没有看到有收到邀请的信息呢?
不是,在最后面的ICT form中。
fredma0913 发表于 17-3-2015 23:48
刚刚上Google Doc看了一下,两位在15年1月和2月提交EOI的ICT,分别在3月9日和10收到NSW邀请,
总分55分 ...
其中一位叫‘Saraj’是中国的,是本坛哪位啊?能否自己站出来?:congra 三月十三上周五才公布了新的faq,他们9和10号就收到邀请了,不符合一贯的做事顺序啊,而且ict也有60的申请人怎么也不邀请…明显又是诈糊…