请教大家!我今年36岁,未婚。我母亲妹妹已移民澳洲。我符合最后一个家庭成员移民吗?我的生父在我2岁时和我母亲离婚,生父不要抚养权。母亲一人带大我和妹妹。我们和生父34年没有联系了。我符合移民的条件吗?我应该怎样向签证官表述呢? 大家帮忙解答下吧!谢谢! 紧急!求解答! 好像没你这个种类的签证吧? 查到了: http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/835.aspx I think lz lives offshore. He should apply the other one :http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/115.aspx.
but unfortunately your father lives offshore so you are not eligible according to the requirements of the visa:
Do not apply for this visa if:
you or your partner have any near relatives, who are usually living outside Australia, or are only living in Australia on a temporary visa, Bridging visa or unlawfully.
hope it helps Your case is a bit tricky since your father left you years ago. I reckon you simply tell the truth to co. Try to find evidences that proves '我们和生父34年没有联系了'. that he is sort of 'dead' to you. well again it's all up to the co. good luck. 谢谢! ll104 发表于 6-2-2015 09:30
I think lz lives offshore. He should apply the other one :http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/115.asp ...
你应该用shall不是should,hope im helping 本帖最后由 ll104 于 6-2-2015 20:58 编辑
603173483 发表于 6-2-2015 16:07
你应该用shall不是should,hope im helping
yes, you're definitely helping. :yct_11. BTW, lz didn't ask for help in grammar if you know what I mean. 你父亲在国内,你就不符合条件了,抛开这条,115很慢的,不知道得猴年马月,这期间你都不结婚的么,一结婚也会影响,因为你得配偶也得符合亲属都在国外的条件。