NSW nomination process in 2015
NSW is introducing a selection-based invitation process in 2015. This will be implemented from February 2015 onwards.
Under the selection and invitation process for the 190 program, prospective candidates can only apply for NSW nomination if they have been selected from SkillSelect and invited by NSW Trade & Investment.
NSW will be sourcing and selecting candidates who have submitted an Expression of Interest (EOI) in SkillSelect and indicated that they wish to be considered for NSW nomination for a 190 visa.
The selection process will be competitive. NSW will rank candidates based on core criteria which is: firstly, a candidate's DIBP points score, then their English ability, and then their skilled employment. Where candidates score the same on these core criteria at time of selection, they will be further ranked based on the date and time that their EOI was submitted in SkillSelect.
The top-ranking candidates will be the first to be invited to apply and NSW will determine how many invitations are issued on an ongoing basis.
The 2015 NSW Occupations list will be published in the first week of February 2014.
Key steps for candidates
To be considered for selection for NSW nomination, candidates simply need to submit an EOI in SkillSelect choosing NSW for 190 nomination. Between February and June 2015, NSW Trade & Investment will be selecting and inviting candidates to apply.
Candidates who are invited to apply for NSW nomination will receive an invitation by email and will have 14 days to apply for nomination.
Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)- Ensure that you meet 190 visa criteria
- Submit an EOI in SkillSelect
- Indicate interest for NSW nomination for a 190 visa
If selected, you will receive a NSW invitation to apply for nomination
- Invitations will be sent by email
- Candidates must submit an online application within 14 days of receiving the invitation to apply
Apply for NSW nomination and wait for the outcome
- NSW nomination applications usually take 12 weeks to process
If nominated, you will receive a SkillSelect invitation to apply for the 190 visa
Apply for the 190 visa to Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)
- Lodge a visa application within 60 days of being nominated by NSW
DIBP will advise you of the decision on your visa application
If your visa is granted, move to NSW and commence your two year commitment to live and work in NSW 好像是哦,我也刚刚看到,似乎不用去NSW官网申请了 really appreciate for your sharing, it's very helpful. 不用抢。新州从55分的队伍里找人邀请。
下周公布职业清单。 坐等职业清单发布。
hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. 请问如果7月份工作经验才满5年, 然后现在不算州担保是50分的, 到了7月份才能到55分的, 还能申请州担保么? 楼上跟我差不多,我是6月底满5年经验 happycory 发表于 31-1-2015 15:59
那应该怎么处理啊? zickler114 发表于 31-1-2015 16:20
我更惨的是9月就33岁,又会扣5分,所以只有7月8月2个月的时间通过担保拿到邀请。 zickler114 发表于 31-1-2015 13:32
请问如果7月份工作经验才满5年, 然后现在不算州担保是50分的, 到了7月份才能到55分的, 还能申请州担保么 ...
下个财年的事谁都说不了。 cracker_007 发表于 31-1-2015 13:29
hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
另外55分的队伍恐怕排了几万人了吧? boris2002 发表于 31-1-2015 23:28
几万人不可能啦,5、6千人应该有。现在改了邀请方式以后,7炸的人就有了绝对优势了。 andyyangjian 发表于 1-2-2015 00:54
还是看雅思了,不过7炸不到60分的应该不多。 happycory 发表于 31-1-2015 17:32
可是7,8月份还会继续遴选么? 我看网页说的是从2月到6月啊,这个怎么理解? 就是剩下这半年的政策喽,7月份又是新的财年,届时政策又变了。 magict1982 发表于 2-2-2015 17:54
如果新政策效果让nsw满意,很可能新财年也是差不多的情况 不用抢号,命运都在人家手里,也有不好的地方 今天都週四了,NSW的新職業清單為啥還不post出來啊 askaboy 发表于 5-2-2015 14:35
谨慎估计又得周五了 askaboy 发表于 5-2-2015 14:35
政府机构都这样。说下周,那么最早一定是周五。说上半年,那么最早是6月31. nsw 190 2月份的邀请开始了吗? zickler114 发表于 31-1-2015 12:32
请问如果7月份工作经验才满5年, 然后现在不算州担保是50分的, 到了7月份才能到55分的, 还能申请州担保么 ...
但是有一点,你的各种support document一定要先准备好,否则被邀请了只有4周还是更短的时间提交申请,到时候资料不齐全可就。。。