两个月的小孩,脸蛋皮肤湿疹,涂了婴儿润肤霜,不管用,有坛子里的妈妈有好的药介绍吗,多谢了 如果小孩不痒, 就不用管。如果痒,尽量找出过敏源。 如果是粉尘、尘螨过敏就没辙。 如果是蛋白过敏就喝全水解或者半水解奶粉。
尽量不要用激素药(丁酸氢化可的松 等结尾带松的 都是激素药)
如果真的湿疹很严重话,什么药都不管用的,等2岁后会慢慢好转。 皮肤湿疹是不应该涂婴儿润肤霜的
不要辛苦了孩子 看看这个帖子吧
笔者是在美国,所以药也是美国医生推荐的,但跟澳洲的推荐药差不多,我儿子最近也得湿疹,看完医生后,买的药和帖子里的差不多,很见效,早上摸了,晚上就消了八成,相信这里的医生和药品,楼主蛮试试吧,实在不行就去看医生,看医生推荐哪种药吧。 椰子云 发表于 30-10-2014 20:59
笔者是在美国,所以药也是美国医 ...
我为啥打不开这个帖子。能不能麻烦你转帖一下 牧马人 发表于 30-10-2014 21:18
福娃6个月例行体检体重88% - 18 .2磅,身高77% - 67.5 厘米,头围92%。事前,我怕忘记问题,就整理了一页半纸的问题单子,省了医生不少时间,毕竟读纸条比口述要快得多。去体检之前,乐爸就说,医生肯定说都正常,基本上问不出什么所以然来。果真这样,对于我提出的,问题医生都说正常。关于湿疹,她建议我们用Hydrocotisone,说不用担心皮肤变薄这个副作用。
最近福娃吃奶减少,从医院回来后我又开始使劲喂,结果全盘吐了两次- 4点半一次,11点半一次。乐爸和我痛下决心,还是顺其自然吧,爱吃多少吃多少。看来福娃还是比较脆弱,不知是不是胃有些刺激。王阿姨喂的时候很少吐,她一般不想我们这么心切,主要是顺其自然。
Discussions Points with Dr. Carlo
1. Breast milk intake has reduced from 35 ounces to 30 ounces, from 5 ounces per intake to 3-4 ounces.I understand that at 6 months, normally babies drink about 40 ounces.This has been going on since around February 1, 2011.We don’t know what caused this sudden change.She had to take antibiotics around early Feb to fight infection caused by bleeding and discharge on her face which was caused by scratching.
When she takes the bottle, she can stay still for like a few minutes.Then she starts to get fussy – either pushing away the bottle using her hands, or closing her mouth tightly, or crying.
In the past, she used to take 4-5 ounces every time.Nowadays, the intake is irregular, sometimes 3 ounces and sometimes 6 ounces.She still feeds about 8 times a day, including about 3 times at night.
What caused this change?How much is enough?What should we do?
2. Introducing solid food.We started rice cereal last week, but she doesn’t seem to be interested, also pushing the spoon out from her mouth. I have a feeling that she will not like solid food for some period.What should we do?
3. We started multivitamin with iron last week, as we are afraid she may be lack of iron or some type of vitamins which cause her to wake up frequently at night and shake her heads when falling asleep.Your view on multivitamin with iron?Did we start late?
4. She has been having green poops for over a month.The poops look mucous. I called the nurse once.She said it is not a problem.So I went on to do my own research.One source says green poop can be a sign of too much foremilk and no hind milk.
Symptoms that baby may exhibit:
• Fussiness and/or gassiness
• Frequent stools, often green, curdy and mucus
• Gulping, gasping and choking while nursing
• Excessive weight gain
• Apparent lack of "comfort" nursing
• Discomfort when breastfeeding, sometimes so intense that baby goes on strike
• Possible early weaning (often close to the first birthday, sometimes sooner)
My questions – the above seem to be related to oversupply.I don’t have over supply issues, just pump about enough every day.
5. Eczema – had bleeding and discharge about 3-4 weeks ago, but now under control.Have very dry skin.We applied Aquaphor ointment and Aveeno lotion on her face throughout the day.We applied Hydrocortisone when it appears very itchy.But we haven’t used it for a while given the side effect of the medicine.
We don’t use soap when we wash her.We wash her quickly.When will she outgrow Eczema?Could it be food allergy?Nobody in the family had Eczema.
Eczema has been causing lots of problems other than itching.We constantly have to keep an eye on her, so that when she scratches her face, we can stop her.Also at night, we have to move her to the big bed, so that when she wakes up in the middle of the night, we make sure she doesn’t scratch.It is very tiring for everybody.
6. Sleeping pattern has changed since the Eczema breakout.Night sleep – on a good night, wakes up every three hours.On a bad day, she has 30 minutes nap, waking up still feeling very sleepy.On a bad night, she keeps scratching her face or rubbing her eyes.Neither the parent nor the baby can sleep well.Sometimes, it is hard to tell whether the scratching/rubbing is due to the Eczema or sleepiness or something else. When she is sleepy, she tends to rub herself more frequently.
In addition, she shakes her head from side to side when trying to fall asleep.
7. Overall – she doesn’t seem to be as calm or peaceful as her sister when she was this age.
Then I followed up with a question on throwing up milk...
From: RF
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 05:57 AM
To: Carlo, Vanessa
Subject: quick question about Claire
Dr. Carlo,
I forgot to ask you one question during yesterday’s visit.Recently Claire has been throwing up the whole breast milk intake after the feeding (normally 5-6 ounces).For example, yesterday, she threw up the whole thing at the 4:30 pm feeding and 11:30 feeding.This never happened before she was 5 months old, but happened frequently during the past month (every 1-4 days, sometimes twice a day). Does her stomach feel irritated?We suspect this may have something to do with the reduction in milk intake.
Responses from Dr. Carlo:
It may be some reflux. Does she seem uncomfortable or in pain? Most babies with reflux do ok without treatment. We know she's gaining weight well so the only reason to intervene would be if she shows signs of pain and in that case she would need medication, like Zantac. Based on the visit yesterday I don't think she needs it but if you feel differently let me know.
1. 每周洗两次澡,不要每天洗澡;洗澡用温水,越凉越好,不要用热水;洗澡水不
2. QV cream是主要的擦皮肤用品,用来防止皮肤干燥,因为皮肤干燥会导致瘙痒,
果有真菌感染就要用hydrozole,包含hydrocortisone和antifungal agent的药膏。
3. 贴身的衣服被子都要100%棉,不要接触化纤,羊毛衣物。
4. 要防止穿盖过多。湿疹遇热容易加重。一定要保持孩子凉爽。
儿科医生开给天的eczema management plan供你参考:
1. short bath
2. no soap
3. no woollen clothes
4. not to play on a woollen carpet
5. qv bath oil in the bath
6. qv wash instead of soap
7. novasone ointment daily to rash(据说这个药比较强,我用含hydrocotisone的
8. glycerine 10% sorbolene cream twice a day to body and limbs
9. orabase protective paste to nappy area with each change of nappy for
nappy rash
我觉得椰子云说的很全了。之前我也问了关于湿疹的问题,这里很多朋友给了有用的建议,我儿子(4个月)的情况要比楼主描述的严重,看了医生后医生给写了两种药,一种是涂的药膏(diprosone),一种是抗生素(吃的)我们没有用抗生素,只用了涂的药膏,第二天就好很多,4,5天后湿疹处的皮肤发暗,已经摸不出来了。医生建议就是多抹护肤用的cream -- 保湿,一天百八十遍都不嫌多,肯能很夸张,因为抹的过于频繁也没什么效果,且不现实。现在,孩子妈坚持抹cream ,当天气很热时候身上可以看到要起湿疹的样子,应该说如果不管的话会随时复发。所以,不管以后孩子长大会不会自然好,现在有了湿疹就的积极处理,我老婆开始就是坚持认为任其发展,长大点就会自己好,结果湿疹严重的地方都流水了。希望孩子们的湿疹都能好起来。 非常感谢各位的回复 我在国内,北京儿研所有个很有名的药“肤乐霜”。上面的介绍是纯中药的,没有任何激素。我姑娘起的特别严重的时候去买来,擦了两天就好了。
看来我要带点这个到澳洲去。 用QV cream 止痒 用后不红了 现代医学对治愈小儿湿疹可以说没什么有效的办法,甚至无法针对个例说清原因,可能导致湿疹的因素包括遗传,母体体质饮食,环境温湿度,消化功能,孩子饮食, 皮肤接触物 ...
中医呢若要根据体质情况辩证施治,对于在澳洲的父母基本上不可能,通用的方法例如用 肤乐霜,中药外洗 我们都试过,效果不明显。
最有效的控制方法就是 激素,但用量上一定要谨慎。
Advantan Fatty oint 0.1% 15g 4 for $36.9 (apply to the affected area in a thin layer when required as directed by the doctor. Methylprednisolone-aceponate)
cetaphil restor moist 295ml for eczema $21.99@ChemistWarehouse
dermeze oint 500g 2 @$15.99, cetaphil body mst 295g 2 @$25.99, 40% off -$ 2*6.4+2*10.4@priceline pharmacy 本帖最后由 wukong 于 19-11-2014 16:06 编辑
贴一张 皇家儿童医院给的湿疹婴儿日常维护的建议
Active Eczema有湿疹的时候,如何用药
Everyday care 日常维护,如果用保湿 刚看了BBC的纪录片关于过敏的,湿疹也是过敏的一种