楼主没看政府刚出budget的时候,大学生就一直在闹事,一个政府官员自告奋勇和学生代表沟通,差点儿被爆头。我一个25岁的同事有天告诉我,他还在还HSC贷款呢,特别羡慕华人父母肯给子女花钱上大学。我觉得他们也挺苦逼的,还完HSC贷款,继续mortgage,永远没有出头之日。 澳洲是精英教育,鼓励大多数小孩高中毕业了连数和工资都不会算,这样才好管理。
最好的公立好像是Perth Morden。都要考的吧。其他好的学校如Willentton,Apple Cross好像成绩不好也是进放牛班的吧。 本帖最后由 nisejob 于 15-10-2014 23:19 编辑
angelar8 发表于 13-10-2014 20:38
"HELP debts will be indexed by the Treasury 10 year bond rate (to a maximum of 6.0 per cent per annum) rather than the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This means that the government is lending money at broadly the same interest rate as it borrows money. The new arrangements will apply to all HELP debts (including those incurred by former students, continuing students and new students) beginning with the indexation of debts on 1 June 2016."
Change indexation based on CPI to 10 year bond rate, which is currently 3.29%(http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/rates-bonds/government-bonds/australia/), much less than any commercial interest rate.
Latest CPI 3.0% pa
http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/6401.0 真的。不然就考csp呗。 太狠了,这招 这个太伤了啊,折腾一圈最后学都没得上了。。。