体检完成后elodge系统里面已经出现:Meeting the health requirementHealth has been finalised for this person for this visa subclass based on the information provided to the department. If this person needs to do anything further to meet the health requirement, they will be contacted by the department. There is no need to contact the department at this time concerning this matter.
但是在health那一行还是可以点attach document按钮,点进去以后弹出来的是“form 160”下拉菜单里面还有其他选项可以选。
是不是什么都不用上传了?发票还需要上传吗? 谢谢! 传不传都可以的,, 你要没事儿 就扫描下 收据 传一下。 emedical 那个已经submit to immi的页面保存下来成pdf 传上去就OK了
收据什么的 他们也看不明白。
一切正常的话 其实传不传都OK,但是难免CO笨。。 sylar_yu 发表于 24-9-2014 09:51
emedical 那个已经submit to immi的页面保存下来成pdf 传上去就OK了
收据什么的 他们也看不明白。