Serin 发表于 24-9-2014 09:44:54

语之玫瑰 发表于 22-9-2014 11:07
对于更好的了解Jury system的运作和优势所在
推荐大家看一部非常经典的片子:十二怒汉 12 Angry Men (1957 ...

Exactly what I wanted to recommend but you beat me to it!

I'd also recommend the 2007 version, which brings freshness and new angles to the original classic.

Serin 发表于 24-9-2014 10:40:39

A (currently inactive) member posted a review on the original 12 Angry Men to the forum a few years ago. I do hope he could drop by from time to time. @江南柴进
民主的素养----电影《十二怒汉》 - 文艺影视 - FreeOZ论坛 - Powered by Discuz!

愚夫 发表于 24-9-2014 11:27:49

本帖最后由 doreadme 于 24-9-2014 11:51 编辑

One day, doreadme@freeoz trespassed to Yping88's ‘casual diary’ farm,and tried to break in and enter window 63# where he saw something funny. As a skilled reader,he copied and pasted the heavy-lifting in the room ...

To punish, Yping88's community thinks about to perform a thanks giving service to doreadme annually to which no plea-bargain is applied.

yping88 发表于 24-9-2014 12:23:13

Serin 发表于 24-9-2014 09:40
A (currently inactive) member posted a review on the original 12 Angry Men to the forum a few years...

Thank you for introducing this thread run by @江南柴进

Hope one day that @江南柴进will feel comfortable enough to come by regularly, sit at the tea table here in English column and enlighten us more on his vision about the legal system!

yping88 发表于 24-9-2014 12:29:57

Serin 发表于 24-9-2014 08:44
Exactly what I wanted to recommend but you beat me to it!

I'd also recommend the 2007 version,...

I hold on my record all the movies you recommended @Serin

Boston Legal, The Practice and 12 Angry Men!

I wish you won't mind picking one of them and further lightening up this campaign. And I will, as well, be able to cross reference to both your and @江南柴进 's interpretations on the law!

yping88 发表于 24-9-2014 12:33:57

doreadme 发表于 24-9-2014 10:27
One day, doreadme@freeoz trespassed to Yping88's ‘casual diary’ farm,and tried to break in and e ...

Hey, beautiful work to tie all these legal jargon into a chain!

yping88 发表于 6-10-2014 22:47:33

This is a collect call from Cook County 接听者付费电话

A whistle blower告密者

yping88 发表于 6-10-2014 23:36:24

mistrial--流审, 法官还未给予判决或定罪之前,审判就被终止了,在这种情形下,所有之前完成的取证,调查,陪审团的甄选,组成等将全部宣告作废 (nullifies the preceding proceedings). 如果此案重新审理, 即使是同一辨方, 所有程序都得从零开始, 原来的举证或证据,发现,都不再被认为还能适用于重新开庭.

导致审判流审的有以下情况:律师或陪审员的意外死亡; 任何言语被认为对任一方存有偏见,而法官认为即使通过引导,陪审团也不能忽略这种成见;或者任何一个陪审团成员被发现不顾法庭的指令随便讨论这个案件or 被隔离的陪审团成员(sequestered jury)能够读到/看到与此案相关的报纸/其他媒体报道. 通常情况下, 如果陪审团本身经过多次投票还不能做出一致的判决(A hung jury), 审判就可被宣布流审.

yping88 发表于 6-10-2014 23:50:32

They are the variation between holding the breath and threatening to turn blue 徘徊在屏住呼吸与几乎憋死之间,亦即:(控方或辨方)在一个很狭窄的空间垂死挣扎,很难翻出什么新花样

yping88 发表于 10-10-2014 23:20:30

Punitive damages惩罚性的损失赔偿---此类赔偿意在改变或阻止被告及相关人员参与那些类似法律诉讼基本准则所控制的(违法)行为。尽管 惩罚性的损失赔偿的最终目的不在于补偿原告,可原告还是会得到全额或部分该赔偿的金额。

应予补偿的损失赔偿 (Compensatory damages) 被视为不足以补救原告的损失时,Punitive damages 就会被赔偿。法庭会强制执行来预防对原告的损失赔偿不够( under-compensation),它也利于补救那些不易被发觉的民事侵权行为 (undetectable torts), 进而减轻一些刑事司法系统的压力 (criminal justice system). 然而,这种法庭制度认可的punitive damages 在不认可它的司法系统中,可能难以得以强制执行. For example, 在美国的一个案例中,判予一方的punitive damages搬到欧洲的法庭,就会难以得到认可, 因为在欧洲,punitive damages 很可能被视为触犯公共次序.

因为这种赔偿远远超过原告能够证明的伤害, punitive damages 只在特别案例中被判予, 通常在民事诉讼中(tort law), 当被告的行为被判为异常的阴险 (egregiously insidious) 时.在合同纠纷中(contract disputes),Punitive damages 一般不会被判予的. 在美国有一个特例涉及到一个声名狼藉的保险公司, 它的毁约被认为是异常阴险到了触犯默示契约中所规定的诚信和公平交易(implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing), 而因此被认定是应该处以punitive damages 的民事侵权行为。

yping88 发表于 13-10-2014 21:34:37

本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-10-2014 21:37 编辑

Season 1, Episode 5--Notes

Industrial relations劳资关系

Standard upgrade   标准升级

He authorizes the load regulator system 批准了负荷调节系统

Keep asking questions, don't allow him a chance to pull the plug on it 停止,终止

Public address system 公共广播系统

Fishing expedition 审前盘问(或调查)非法调查;审前调查

I had some moments我曾经名噪一时

yping88 发表于 13-10-2014 21:53:02

本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-10-2014 22:17 编辑

Near-miss incident险些就发生的事故

Faulty pressure sensor有误差的压力传感器

Chairs are not really my friend 真不习惯坐着 when I am heavily pregnant like this,I'd better stand up!

I know how it works! You are trying to get into my head and get onto my nerves! Tell you what, after the past 6 months, I have been vaccinated 已经不吃这一套了

I am thunder-struck 吃惊极了

Join the club不光是你一个人

This firm is well capitalized经济状况非常好

yping88 发表于 15-10-2014 21:57:58

There is no physical evidence 没有具体的证据,物证

I didn't say that we got a smoking gun 确凿的证据

Confidential informant秘密线人,高密者

Please don't make a fool of yourself 自出洋相

It is beyond risky 太冒险了

MICHELLE07 发表于 15-10-2014 21:59:37

yping88 发表于 15-10-2014 21:57
There is no physical evidence 没有具体的证据,物证

I didn't say that we got a smoking gun确凿 ...

从你提供的词汇,可以想象,你观看的剧情多么精彩刺激 :lol

yping88 发表于 15-10-2014 22:12:15

本帖最后由 yping88 于 15-10-2014 22:17 编辑

MICHELLE07 发表于 15-10-2014 21:59

It feels different when I have to make sure what I got from the show than just watch it leisurely and don't mind if I missed out on some point!

But, I am so glad that I have taken on this challenge. It pushes me over the edge, but I will definitely end up knowing more about the legal terms and stuff!

yping88 发表于 22-10-2014 22:49:05

Season 1, Episode 6

Notes: Appeals by hunch凭直觉上诉, 跟着感觉走

Circumstantial evidence间接的证据

Conjugal circumstances婚姻状况

We mean no disrespect无意冒犯

语之玫瑰 发表于 23-10-2014 10:34:42

yping88 发表于 22-10-2014 22:49
Season 1, Episode 6

Notes: Appeals by hunch凭直觉上诉, 跟着感觉走


yping88 发表于 1-11-2014 16:08:23

语之玫瑰 发表于 23-10-2014 10:34


How dare they killed off my favorite character?

yearshappy 发表于 8-9-2018 11:05:09


yearshappy 发表于 8-9-2018 11:11:21

one call a day until ...:lol:lol:lol

yearshappy 发表于 15-9-2018 11:51:52

Like searching a needle in a haystack? Not really, I've found you :lol:love::happy::welcome:

yping88 发表于 20-9-2018 13:44:50

Pleasure is mine to be back in touch

huanged 发表于 20-9-2018 13:53:36

yping88 发表于 20-9-2018 12:44
Pleasure is mine to be back in touch


yping88 发表于 20-9-2018 13:57:25

Hahaha. Missing home so much that I can't fly under the radar any more

MICHELLE07 发表于 21-9-2018 01:38:10

本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 21-9-2018 00:39 编辑

yping88 发表于 20-9-2018 12:57
Hahaha. Missing home so much that I can't fly under the radar any more

yping, 你今天给了大家一个太大的惊喜。我到现在都没组织好语言,怎么表达这个感受。




yping88 发表于 21-9-2018 07:53:46

Ifeel so incredibly humbled by the support that thrown behind me. To me, you all are the real heroes and heroines, who stand tall no matter what. I am amazed by the passion you all show to FreeOz platform, the resilience you all have been carrying on when facing the challenges.
You are all true inspiration!

yearshappy 发表于 21-9-2018 10:31:03

Truly, I agree with Michelle. It's not in a rush. Take time to settle down in a hope you will have great time and good experience ahead, as we are investigating longer term outcomes for the benefits of the non-profit forum as well as the wellbeing of our community members. Aren't we? {:9_628:}

Serin 发表于 23-9-2018 21:40:17

Three years have passed and I guess @yping88 has started following The Good Fight as well? I haven't found myself enough time to binge The Good Wife or The Good Fight, but I did manage to finish another show which is a worthy competitor - Silk.

yping88 发表于 23-9-2018 22:38:25

Serin 发表于 23-9-2018 20:40
Three years have passed and I guess @yping88 has started following The Good Fight as well? I haven't ...

Good to know, @Serin

I actually didn't know The Good Fight comes around at all. Happy to look into it!

Time is a big killer, isn't it! While I am blinking, 3 years slipped away! But, I didn't let it slip away easy. Heeeheee. During all this time that I was absent from FreeOz, I had done Great Ocean Road walking trail, Wilson Prom Trail, OverLand Track. I have been to Canada, The States, South America...

Traveling around absolutely teaches me to look at life in a different perspective, helps me to realize that a lot of things could have been done differently!

yping88 发表于 23-9-2018 22:43:45

What about "Silk", is that another legal drama?

Not sure what happened, I just can't see what you uploaded here
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查看完整版本: 【百帖笔记领勋章】yping88的随便日记---Reflections on TV show: The Good Wife